Everyone has a music inside their soul. It's the music that keeps you alive, motivating and pressing you to go on living. It Is Good To Remember The Music Inside!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Clarissa Bong is back at home.
Hospital because of jaundice. Thank God that she got better.
During the visits to the nursery ward, I managed to talk to a few
fathers. Learn a lot from them, just by hearing them. They need a
listening ear and I'm glad I could provide that for them. From what
some of them had experienced, I'm thankful to God for His protection
and love for me and my family.
Now Michelle, Annabelle and Clarissa Bong are at my in-law's house. As
for me, I'll be going back to office tomorrow.
David Bong
Thursday, December 09, 2004
The Birth of Clarissa Bong
morning (Thursday 9-12-2004).
Michelle experienced contraction pain beginning at 8.30pm yesterday. I
was in the church attending the Wednesday prayer meeting. Had asked
the members to pray for fast and smooth delivery for Michelle.
When I arrived home from church, Michelle told me about the pain. The
pain came regularly at 5-7 minutes interval. Decided to go to the
hospital that night. Sent Annabelle to in-law's house and went to the
hospital. Went straight to the "Wad Bersalin" and checked Michelle in.
After the check-up, Michelle told me that the cervix is already 6cm
dilated. Looks like the delivery will be fast.
I waited outside, waiting for the nurse to call me in. As I've taken
the "Kursus Peneman", I'm allowed to accompany Michelle at the labour
room. At 1.15am, the nurse called me in. She was surprised to see me
coming to her when she called for Michelle's husband. She wondered why
a Malay looking guy came as she expected to see a Chinese man. The
nurse gave me the white robe to wear but before I could tie the string
to the robe, the other nurse at the labor room called out to me to
hurry. Michelle is already going to give birth. Rushed to the labour
room Room 4. Michelle was already in the position to give birth, both
legs spread out and three nurses was beside her to assist.
Went beside her and just then Michelle had her contraction pain and
the nurse asked her to push. Michelle pushed and her face turned red
as she forced herself to push the baby out. Still the baby did not
come out. She rested for a while and about 30 seconds later the pain
came again. This time Michelle pushed harder and with the nurse's
help, the baby head came out. Wow, it looked big (compared to
Annabelle's head when she came out from the womb last year). After the
head is out, Michelle had to push again and then the whole baby's body
came out. Time: 1.25am.
And to my surprise again, the baby is a baby girl. Again, we thought
that the baby will be a boy (though we didn't inquire about it from
the scan). I know Michelle would be surprised, I just hope she will
not be disappointed. The nurse held the baby and showed her to
Michelle. Michelle was indeed surprised to see a baby girl. (Well,
Michelle's father will definitely be disappointed).
I was then asked to leave the room and the nurse needs to clean up the
baby. Waited outside until about 3.40am before they pushed Michelle
and the baby out to the ward. At the ward, I hold my Clarissa and
dedicated her to God.
Praise God for another precious gift to Michelle, Annabelle and I. All
thanks and praise be unto HIM.
David Bong
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Sports Ministry
Why must the senior pastors be afraid to let go of their controls. Anyway, I don't want to complain. I want to thank God for helping me organize the seminar. Two days where we received lots of new insights as to the wonderful way to reach out to people in the community. Hope that I'll be able to apply what I've learned to the people I meet during my football games. Glad that the seminar is over. I feel very tired. Then this coming Saturday, there's the Food Fair at Salvation Army. Hope that I'll have the energy to bake and sell the Ikan Bakar.
Lord... what is your direction for me?
Monday, October 25, 2004
Friday, October 22, 2004
My color
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
feeling the pain
Hopefully it wont take so many days to heal. Lord, heal me. Thank you Lord for your healing touch.
Accident today
suddenly cross the road. The dog was looking at the other side of the
road when it want to cross the road. Couldn't brake on time. Hit the
dog, my motorbike skidded.
Thank God there is no vehicle behind me. Then someone sent me to the
nearest clinic. Now, at home. Thank God for His protection and mercy.
In all things and circumstances, give thanks to God.
Below are the photos of the victim... i.e. me and not the dog.
Monday, October 18, 2004
Mission Trip to the Orang Asli at Gunung Ledang.
The OA children were excited to see our group. After visiting the headman (Batin) of the village, we spend some time visiting a few families. As this area is new to the ministry (pioneering work), much effort must be made to build relationships to reach out to them. I was told that in the past, when another pastor tried to come it to evangelize, the Batin took out his shotgun and wanted to kill the pastor. Thank God for giving Pastor Joseph the wisdom as to how to go about ministering to the people here. As Pastor Joseph, Pastor Joanne and I talked to the adults, the children flocked around the team members. We conducted the cell group at about 6 pm. The team members presented songs, sketch and storytelling using balloons.
On the way back, one of the car got stuck in a muddy hole. A few people had to push the car before it is back on even road. The car was made dirty by the splashing of the mud. We reached Jus at about 8.30pm. Had our dinner and thereafter took our bath. At about 11pm, I had a short briefing with the team members. Most of them had not gone for a mission trip before. They shared what they have observed and learned from the trip to the OA village. By midnight, we all went for our sleep.
Woke up at 7am. After washing up, the members were served with breakfast. Coffee, bread and biscuits. Every Sunday at 7.45am, there will be a short prayer meeting. Then at about 10.15am, the Sunday Service will start. Enjoyed the BM service very much. The songs, the team presentation and testimonies, and the sermon have been a blessing. Pastor Joseph preached about David and how he persevered on to trust in God even though he faced many problems in life. Lunch at 12.15noon and we traveled back to Melaka at 1.15pm.
This is my first time sitting in an Orang Asli Sunday service. One thing for sure, this ministry needs a lot of support especially financially. Hard work, perseverance, hard ground, relationships, endurance, listening patiently, sensitivity, and God’s calling – these are some of the words that will always be associated with the Orang Asli Ministry.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Hurray!!.. Finally, the broadband has arrived to church. The Telekom
guy called in the morning and said that he was on his way to the
church. It took him 2 hours to set up such a simple thing. But can't
blame him... the church computer don't have network card... some more
very old pc. He kept on sniffing... think he is catching cold. Told
him to take cod liver oil and vitamin C. He agreed and said he knows
about it also.
The wifi connection will be done on Thursday evening. Once that is
done.... no more online monopoly. And faster downloading and uploading
of files too. I'm happy...... yeah, yeah, yeah....
Monday, October 11, 2004
presence of the Holy Spirit in the church sanctuary. Praise God for
His anointing. I pray that the church members will learn to be more
effective persuader for Christ. That the world may come to know the
love of God and accept their salvation which comes only by believing
in Jesus Christ.
After the preaching I felt relieved... mainly because it's not so easy
for me to preach. It is a huge task to preach... cannot simply preach
for preaching sake. Somehow... every preacher's prayer is that the
Word that is being preached will touch the hearts of the listeners.
And that the Holy Spirit will minister to every persons in the church.
It takes me more than 5 full days to prepare for this preaching. Not
easy especially when I'm supposed to share on a topic that I myself is
not good at. But... God is good. Thank you Lord.
Went to play football on Sunday evening. Our team won 4-2. Managed to
score one goal. Long time no chance to score coz had to play defense.
Praise God.
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Annabelle photos are in.
already in the slide window.
Working today even though it is Melaka Governor's birthday. Will be
preaching tonite about persuasiveness. How lah... seldom persuade
people but have to preach on that.
God... help me!
Friday, October 08, 2004
Pastor Joseph
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Photobucket photos
For the mean time, will try and find other sites for web hosting.
Monday, October 04, 2004
taking care of Annabelle
had to go to the hospital for check-up and I'm left alone to take care
of her.
Thank God she woke up at 10.15am. By that time, I had already bathed
and ready to take care of her. Played with her for a while. Noticed
that she shitted ... then washed and bathed her. By then she is
already hungry... so gave her morning cereal. She finished it without
much complain. Then played with her again until lunch time. Michelle
came back for lunch and brought her to in-law's place for lunch.
Annabelle didn't want to eat her rice... asked her to switch on the
VCD player for her daily Barney & Friends show.
Took her back to the house and now she is sleeping soundly in the
room. So far, so good.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Doing my cybermissions course
at night as I'm busy in the office. Anyway, hope to be able to
complete this course on time.
Interesting ideas. And also the church wants to embark on this
strategy to reach out via cyber. Maybe starts with the basic and
discipling using cyber.
Friday, October 01, 2004
Broadband delayed coming to church
Also, my house phone bill came today. Internet bill goes up to RM49.55. It's time to switch to broadband already. Will get the RM44 per month package. Thought of getting the unlimited package but I don't need to be online all the time. Anyway, let's see how it goes.
Now.... broadband is coming not only to church but also to my house.
Hai ya.... today didn't eat my oat drink. Tomoro must eat.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Broadband is coming to the church.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
I wish you enough
Recently, I overheard a mother and daughter in their last
Moments together at the airport as the daughter's departure
hugged andhad been announced. Standing near the security gate, they
the mother said,
"I love you and I wish you enough."
The daughter replied,
"Mom, our life together has been more than enough.
Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Mom."
They kissed and the daughter left.
The mother walked over to the window where I sat.
Standing there, I could see she wanted and needed to cry.
I tried not to intrude on her privacy but she welcomed me in by
"Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would
be forever?"
"Yes, I have," I replied. "Forgive me for asking but why is
this a forever good-bye?"
"I am old and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead
and the reality is the next trip back will be for my funeral,"
she said.
When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, "I wish you
enough." May I ask what that means?"
She began to smile. "That's a wish that has been handed down
from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone."
She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in
detail and she smiled even more.
"When we said 'I wish you enough' we were wanting the other
person to have a life filled with just enough good things to
sustain them".
Then turning toward me, she shared the following, reciting it from
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear
much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough helloes to get you through the final good-bye.
She then began to cry and walked away.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person,
An hour to appreciate them,
A day to love them,
And an entire life to forget them.
Classic IQ Test
genius, or moorrooon, here is the site:
All the best in knowing what you already know.
Friday, September 24, 2004
Cyber missions
monopolization of internet line. That's why I'm typing this on the MS
Word and will send it by email later. So while waiting for Pastor to
get OFF line, here's my ranting. Oh ya, wanted to be online to do my
Cybermissions course. Hehehehe doing cybermissions with only one line
to use… mati lah. Somemore, most of the time Pastor is online. Sure
drag wan…. From 12 weeks course to 24 weeks course..hehehe. Hopefully
the streamyx will come fast lah.
According to the articles that I've read, there are over 945,000,000
people using the internet for this year and a whopping 709,100,100
eMarketer out there. Talking about selling, the internet is really a
mega market place. And the internet language population is changing
from the dominant English to other languages.
The statistic is for September 2002: English 36.5%; Chinese 10.9%,
Japanese 9.7%; Spanish 7.2%, German 6.7%; Korean 4.5%; Italian 3.8%;
French 3.5%, Portuguese 3.0%; Russian 2.9% and Dutch 2.0%
Wah… must learn Chinese alredi lah, or Japanese.
Oh yes, Pastor OFF line alredi. Time to cyber with a missions.
Classic IQ Test
Your IQ score is 122
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. (Visual...hmm, I agree... always look at other people...mostly girls...).This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Men's rules
Women, this is from us.
Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Monday, September 20, 2004
Food and people
taste nice or not. That doesn't mean that I don't like good food. I
loves good food. I know whether the food is delicious or not. I know
between awful and delicious food. And I don't like bad awful food.
But....I'm not crazy about food.
I know people who are so called food lover. And these people know who
you are. The extent that they do to get the food that they like is
sometimes beyond my understanding. I mean they would be willing to
spend lots of money just to be able to eat the delicious food. Some
would travel as far as 4 hours journey so that they can eat the food
that they crave. Some would travel to the remote areas just to try a
certain kind of food, just because they heard from others about it.
I wouldn't understand these kind of people. Maybe that is what drives
them. Delicious food drives them, seduce them, allure them, just like
magnet to iron. Guess I'm just not crazy about food. Eat to live, not
live to eat.
Annabelle at the barber shop
It's now easy to get Annabelle to sit down properly. She kept on moving and wanting to be carried. She scared of the barber lady. Thank God for the lollipop which manage to keep her quiet. I had to carry her while the barber cut her hair. All her hair dropped on my shirt and jeans. First time experience.
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Justin Foo the crazy guy
My PS gone alredi, spoilt and that's the end of my PS playing game. Some more no more time to play with Annabelle around. So now I'll stick to blogging.... which I can do while I'm alone at night.
Envy and greed!
Wah.... got more than one maids in the house.
Ever experience that moment where you are in awe of other people's
wealth? I had.... many times... and I wonder whether I'll some day
experience all this wealth. And I'm still wondering. But then I know
that it is all material things that will not last. I thank God for
what He has already given me. Good health, good mind, salvation which
life for eternity, a good wife, sweet Annabelle and another one coming
soon, a good family, a good country, a job/ministry and many more. To
that I'm grateful and contented. Indeed the Lord is good and generous.
Today I read Psalm 45 - 50. Many wonderful wisdom from the psalms.
This is one of them.
"Do not be overawed when a man grows rich, when the splendor of his
house increase; he will take nothing with him when he dies, his
splendor will not descend with him." Psalm 49:16-17
When I die, my heavenly dwelling is much much better than the most
beautiful house in this world. Why then should I be in awe?
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Sad N shocking story.. please read
The gals father started searching for the two lovers but they could not find them. At last, he accepted their love and asked them in a newspaper to come back. Her father said that if u both come back i will marry u wit the guy u luv, I accept that u loved each other truly. So in this way their love won and the age old attitude of the tribe took a beating. The couple went to the city for shopping for the wedding.
He was wearing a white traditional dress, and was crossing the road when a car came and hit him and he died on the spot. The girl lost her senses. After a long time she recovered and accepted that her love has died.
One night she was sleeping in her home with her family. Her mother had dream in which she saw a fairy. That fairy asked her mother to wash the blood spots of the guy from her daughter's clothes as soon as possible. But her mother ignored the dream.
Next night the father saw the same dream, he also ignored it. Then when the girl had the same dream the next night, she woke up and told her mother about the dream. Her mother asked her to wash the clothes on which there were blood spots. She washed the spots but some remained.
Next night she again had the same dream she again washed the spots but some still remained. Next night she again had the same dream and this time that fairy gave her last warning to wash the blood spots, else something terrible will happen.
This time the girl tried her best to wash the spots, the clothes tore, but some spots still remained.
In the evening on same day when she was alone, someone knocked the door,when she opened the door she saw the fairy at the door. She got very scared and fainted. The fairy woke her up..., and gave her an object. That awe-struck girl asked "what is this..? to which the fairy replied
"..... Try Liquid Dynamo... it removes even the toughest stains ....."
Teacher Should Not Receive High Salary!
That's right. Instead of paying these outrageous taxes, I'd give them $3.00 an hour. And, I'm only going to pay them for 5 hours, not planning time. That would be $15.00 a day. Each parent should pay $15.00 a day for these teachers to baby sit their children. Even if they have more than one child, it's still cheaper than private daycare.
Now how many children do they teach a day - maybe 20? That's $15.00 x 20 = 300.00 a day. But remember, they only work 180 days a year! I'm not going to pay them for all the vacations: $300.00 x 180 =$54,000.
(Just a minute my calculator must need batteries.)
What will teachers say about those who have 10 years of experience and a master's degree? Well, maybe (just to be fair) they could get the minimum wage. We can round that off to about $6.00 an hour, times 5 hours, times 20 children. $6.00 x 5 x 20. That's $600 a day times 180
days. That's only $108,000.
Wait a minute! There is something wrong here...
Monday, September 13, 2004
Gapam Orang Asli Picnic at Pantai Kundor
Altogether, a total of nine OA came. Achau’s family and Asmahwati. Drove back to the house to pick up Michelle and Andrew’s boys. After loading all the things, I drove the van to buy nasi lemak. Then the van gave problems. It jerks and sounds of explotions came from the exhaust pipe. Slowly drove back to the house. Call up Terry to borrow his van. Michelle borrowed her sister’s Kancil. Then we drove to Pantai Kundor. Timothy Cheng and Evelyn reached there already.
Unpacked all the things and the children then went for a swim. They really enjoyed themselves. Annabelle also seems to enjoy the trip. She just sat by herself and played with the sand. The children also build sand castles and they are really creative. We brought fish and sausages to barbeque. At about 12 noon we all ate nasi lemak plus the barbequed fish and sausages. A good time for all of us. I drove the van and send the Orang Asli back to their village. A wonderful day for me.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Handphone manners>
He asked me to call back later.
What lah!. If attend meeting, make sure your phone is on off mode lah.
Waste my money calling him. Have to call him later. Sometimes these
people is either too clever or too stupid. If you don't want people to
disturb you, please switch off your handphone lah. Simple thing also
don't know. Very irritating.
Anyway, may God gives those with handphone the wisdom of switching off
their handphones during meetings.
Friday, September 10, 2004
A boy was sitting on a park bench with one hand resting on an open Bible. He was loudly exclaiming his praise to God."Hallelujah! Hallelujah! God is great!" he yelled without worrying whether anyone heard him or not.
Shortly after, along came a man who had recently completed some studies at a local university. Feeling himself very enlightened in the ways of truth and very eager to show this enlightenment, he asked the boy about the source of his joy."Hey," asked the boy in return with a bright laugh, "don't you have any idea what God is able to do? I just read that God opened up the waves of the Red Sea and led the whole nation of Israel right through the middle."
The enlightened man laughed lightly, sat down next to the boy and began to try to open his eyes to the "realities" of the miracles of the Bible."That can all be very easily explained. Modern science has shown that the Red Sea in that area was only 10-inches deep at that time. It was no problem for the Israelites to wade across."
The boy looked surprised. His eyes wandered from the man back to the Bible laying open in his lap. The man, content that he had enlightened a poor, naive young person to the finer points of scientific insight, turned to go. Scarcely had he taken two steps when the boy began to rejoice and praise louder than before; "Hallelujah! Hallelujah! God is SO great!".
The man turned to ask the reason for this resumed jubilation."Wow!" exclaimed the boy happily, "God is greater than I thought! Not only did He lead the whole nation of Israel through the Red Sea, He topped it off by drowning the whole Egyptian army in only 10-inches of water!"
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Journaling my thots
I have to write my journal everyday. That’s the requirement for the Renovation Of The Heart class. Need to pen down (or maybe type in) my thoughts for the day. Good and also “bad” thoughts. It will definitely be private. But I can look back and evaluate how I’ve progress. Good idea but do I have the consistency and perseverance to type/write until it becomes a habit of mine
About today. I received my digital camera Ben Q DC3410. Bought from Ebay at US$110. Consider good bargain lah. Small size and very sleek. Can use as a web cam also. Can record video clips and audio clips too.
With this blogging stuff, I need the digital camera. But the main thing is to capture those precious moments of my daughter Annabelle and the coming one Junior in December. Got to be ready before all the memories faded off from my mind. Praise God for the advancement of technology. But I must use it for the good of mankind.
Okay, that’s all the journaling for now. Got to go back home. Adios. Good bye. Chai Jian. Sayonara. Apa –apa lah.
Monday, September 06, 2004
Loyalty and disloyalty
Even as I preached, I know the message is definitely for me. I canrelate many times and ways that I've been disloyal. If not in action, then in my thoughts and feelings. Dissatisfaction is the most common reason for people to be disloyal. Ungratefulness is another main reason for us to be disloyal. And our carnal nature adds up to the tendency to rebel or be disloyal to the person(s) who deserves our loyalty.
Would I be loyal now since I've preached about it? I dare not say that I'll be loyal because it is something that we develop through time, especially times of trouble. But one thing that I've learned is that many of us expects loyalty from others. We want others to be loyal but we ourselves will find many reasons not to be loyal to them. It is not how others treat us that determines whether we should be loyal or not. The determining factor is our goal to be Christlike. Loyalty is demanded from us by God and especially when things get rough, our loyalty will be tested.
There is however a limitation to our loyalty to others. No one have the right to ask us to sacrifice ethical principles in the name of loyalty. When an employer asks us to tell a lie, he immediately forfeits his right to claim/demand loyalty from us.
My wife asked me whether I'm loyal to her. So far so good. I'm married and still loyal. hehehe. I know that she is loyal to me. Praise God for that. Marriage is a covenant and not a contract. Look not for anyway to escape your marriage but look for ways to strengthen and build the best relationship that you'll have besides your relationship with Jesus Christ.
On the scale of 1 to 10, my loyalty to others is rated 7.5. Be patient with me, I'm still working on this character.
Share your thoughts with me.
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Family Day
While still lying down on the bed, I heard the sound of thunder and rain. Waaah. Raining... maybe the picnic will be cancelled. Anyway, wakes my wife and told her to get ready. She said that it's raining. She asked whether she has to go. I said yes. Then we forced ourselves to wake up, took our bath and get ready to go. By the time we are ready to go, it's already 8 am, which is the time we should have been at the Pantai.
We stopped by along the road to buy breakfast and thereafter went to the spot planned for the Family Day. A few families have already arrived. What is amazing for me is when I opened the car door to carry Annabelle out. She was still sleeping throughout the journey. When I opened the car door, she woke up and saw the beach and the waves. Wahhh... she shouted while pointing at the beach... asking to be carried out immediately. Never has I ever seen her so eager to go out. It's like she is afraid that her daddy will not let her go out to the beach... that she shouted loud and pointed to the beach. Not to disappoint her, I carry her out immediately. She then quietened down.
By the time most of them finished their breakfast, a few more families arrived. At about 9am, the organizer started the competition. First the sand castle competition. Three groups competed. They are all excited about their castle. The boys group are straightforward plain strong castle while the girls groups are more creative and definitely have the girls touch. All the three castles are different and unique according to their builders.
Then there the long jump competition. Some of them can really jump far. The tug of war competition is the best. Those above 40 against those below 40. Those above 40 are the strong adults... the fathers. Those below 40 are mostly the youth and children... mainly girls. I joined the below 40 group.... I'm still young lah. Organized the group and when the whistle blow, we pull and pull and pull. Then we won. Changed side and again we pulled and pulled and pulled. But this time the rope didn't move. After almost 15 seconds of pulling and hanging on to the rope, we managed to pull the other group. Wahhhhh.... our group won. Can't believe it that the children managed to win.
Suddenly, it started to rain. Everybody quickly packed their things and we went back home. That night, I can feel my body aching... ai yo... getting old already lah..
Monday, August 23, 2004
Carpe Diem! Jason K
Who is this Jason K? Well, he's my friend, a very good friend. It's
been more than 5 years I've known him (sometimes, I wonder why most of
them left after 5 years). He's leaving to Klang Valley because of his
new job. A job which he has been aiming for all this while. Praise God
for blessing him with his dream job.
Well, I'm not writing to talk about his job. I want to talk about him.
He is a man of character. He is a mover, always wanting to see things
moving, growing and becoming better. He has in him the vast supply of
optimism, positive thinking and self improving energy which is why he
is interested in training others. Being with him for 5 years and
listening and seeing what he has gone through is a blessing to me and
(I believes) to others also. He has shown that what he believes in is
not just theories but can be backed up by his own life testimonies.
He likes to share what he has gone through. If you want to be his
friend, be a good listener. If you have good ideas, I'm sure he'll
appreciate you sharing it with him. And he is also a humble student,
always willing to learn from others.
What I appreciate about him the most is his loyalty. Once he believes
in a certain friendship, he'll go all out to show it. He is a friend
in deed, not just in need. His friendship is something that I'll
Oh ya, I also know the bad side of Jason K. But why dwell on the bad
side of others when I'm still struggling to overcome my own bad side.
It will be sufficient for me to summarize that Jason K is a man of rarity.
May the Lord continue to bless and use you Jason K, wherever He may
call you to go. Carpe Diem!
Saturday, August 14, 2004
to the life in Christ. There most certainly are. Abel was murdered,
Joseph was sold into slavery, Daniel was thrown into the den of lions,
Stephen was stoned to death, Paul was beheaded, and a noble army of
martyrs was put to death by various painful methods all down the long
centuries. And where the hostility did not lead to such violence (and
mostly it did not and does not) the sons of this world nevertheless
managed to make it tough for the children of God in a thousand cruel
- A. W. Tozer
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Cultural Understanding. – Differences in culture.
I… cringe to think of all the rupees I have wasted because I always
forgot in the early part of a trip to India, that agreement is often
indicated by a short shake of the head to the right that very closely
approximates our own sign of disagreement. When it came to tipping
coolies for some personal service, I was uncomfortable like most
Americans unaccustomed to dealing with persons in menial positions.
Uncertain about exact rates, I would offer what seemed to be a
reasonable amount. The coolie would invariably shake his head in
agreement. I would invariably interpret it as disagreement and press
more money on him. Such and exchange usually left me feeling vaguely
exploited and angry because I suspected I had paid too much. It
probably left the coolie feeling totally baffled by a crazy man who
kept giving him money after he had said he had enough.
Friday, August 06, 2004
Language and people
Tzeltal has 25 different words for “carry”.
Malay has “membawa”, “membimbit”, “menjunjung”, “memikul”, “menjinjing”, “mengandar”, “mendukung”, “menatang”, “menghayun”, “mengheret”, “mengusung” “mengpimpin”, ….
What else lah? Can anybody think of other terms used…?
What is hope in God?
The Valiente’s word for it is translated as “resting the mind in God”. This is a good description of what hope really is.
What is “worry”?
The Navajos use “My mind is killing me” for the word “worry”.
How do you worship God?
The Cuicatec (Mexican Indian) word for “worship” means “to wag the tail before God”. The Cuicatec Indians have recognized that the attitude of worship is similar to that of a dog before his master.
Monday, August 02, 2004
Wishing Well To a Colleague
Would things be the same? I guess yes! and no! Yes because I still have to go to office whether I like it or not. Yes because I still have to do my work. No, because her presence will no longer be there. No, because the office will be a quieter place than before. Yes, my colleague is the talker and me the listener. And etc etc.
I guess there is no need for a party because most people would want her to continue. I guess there is no need for a farewell because she will still be close to the people's heart. Why a farewell when she is always near your heart. Why party when you are sad that she's leaving? Why farewell speech when you've learned much from her advice and life testimony. I guess it would be nice to have party, farewell and speech but that was done weeks before personally.
To her, I give my deepest appreciation. A colleague is easy to find but to this colleague of mine, she is also a friend and a sister. Thank you Lee Tian, and may God bless you richly in your new work.
David Bong
Monday, July 19, 2004
The desires of your heart...
Yet, many people are afraid of the word desires. It has bad and negative connotation... desires means bad and immoral desires. No doubt that most of us are not holy or perfect morally, but a man who can control his desires is more powerful than the whole battalion of soldiers.
I battle for control over my desires every day. It is a constant battle. Either I control my desires or it controls me.
Buddhism teaches us to try to get rid of our desires. I think that is a losing man's principle. It is the same as saying that if you cannot control something, you must get rid of it. What if I can't control my wife, can I get rid of it? What about my children, my parents, my siblings etc. Would it be better if we learn how to control our desires.
Now, my desire says that I want to stop writing. Will post later.
Send me your comments.
Saturday, July 17, 2004
David and 30 Mighty Men
It's interesting to read about the 30 Mighty Men of David. They all are loyal followers of King David. And a few of them killed giants when they are with David.
A leader attracts those of the same kind. David showed to the people that he is a mighty warrior and had killed many of his enemies inbattle. I'm sure the 30 Mighty Men was attracted to David because David was their role model. David brought out the warrior spirit from each one of them. The birds of the same flock gather together.
To whom are our personalities "attracted" to? That determines your kind of "flock".
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Family Togetherness.
to you to always be together with your family members?
The following are the excerpts taken from The Star dated 15 July 2004
at Star Two on page 23.
"Today's parents spend 40% less time with their children than their
parents did in the past. As a result, our children are picking up
values from foreign domestic helpers, the television and the Internet.
Without proper guidance from parents or involved adults, many of these
children may suffer emotional problems when they grow up."
"A recent study conducted by the University of Southern California,
found that happiness is not about getting richer. It is about spending
quality time with loved ones, and enjoying good health"
"Some parents treat their friends with more respect and kindness than
they do their children."
"Babies develop a strong attachment with their parents in the first
three years."
Fun activities that help build a strong family: -
1) Plan special meals.
Children are the ones who are happiest when families get together for
festive celebrations, anniversaries and reunions. Parents can also
create special lunches or dinners once a week in which the whole
family can join in to make it a fun and meaningful occasion.
2) Organize a treasure hunt
Gather your family together and make a list of things that you will
try to find in your own treasure hunt. It can be as simple as
searching for simple items in the garden.
3) Keep a family journal.
The family journal can be in the form of photos, videos or even a book
for jottings. These can help keep those warm memories alive. Do a
project where the whole family can have fun making family videos or
writing stories about each other. I can see the smiles on everybody's
face years down the road when the videos are played back.
4) Volunteer your services.
Encourage your child to develop a penchant for helping others.
Volunteer works strengthens the family unit. Helpfulness learned as a
child will last a lifetime. Volunteer work is a good way to forge a
sense of closeness that comes with doing good deeds together.
5) Join in family games.
Outdoor games help children not just to develop strong bodies but
build stronger and deeper relationships. Traditional games such as
gasing, catuk ayam, congkak, batu lima, teng-teng, etch have been
replaced by digital and electronic games which hardly promote
cooperation and sharing. Teach the traditional games and let your
children pass them down to the next generation.
6) Trace your family tree.
Start a family tree research project to discover stories about
relatives and friends. Your children can learn about the family
history through this, and pick up important lessons about life from
the stories of family members who have overcome the odds. This is a
great way to teach family values to children of all ages.
7) Spend time chatting.
Spend at least 10 to 15 minutes a day just chatting with your child.
Children tend to open up when they are relaxing with their parents.
They would share their problems and their achievements of the day
during these special moments. Make sure you give your attention to
them and to what they say but be slow to comments or make any
8) Read to your child.
Make is a daily affair to read aloud to your child not matter how old
she is. Stories you enjoyed as a kid can also thrill your child. Start
a storybook collection.
9) Get connected.
Families need a place to connect with one another. Find places in your
home or in your neighbourhood where your family can feel safe and
connected. The parents' bed is normally the safe haven for the
children, where they would go there to cuddle up or share about what
happened to them during their day. Look around for these special
places where you can connect with your child.
10) Get energized.
Physical exercise help to overcome fatigue and stress after a hard day
at work. Exercise can also help to bond the family together. Parents
and children can take a few moments daily to stretch and jump around
together. Healthy bodies build healthy minds.
* Wow, these are very good tips. I think I'll start doing some of
these activities.
David Bong
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Celebrating my mother's birthday.
Michelle cooked for Mother the sweet Mee Sua and hard boiled 2 chicken eggs. Olden days way of celebrating one's birthday. Mother was touched by the small gesture. A small way to show love.
Brought her to Jusco for dinner and shopping. Thereafter bought a birthday cake for her. Glad that I've done whatever that I can think of to bless her on her birthday. I realise there's nothing that I can do to ever repay what she has done for me. Because of that I praise God when I think of my mother.
Take care of your mother when they are still around. Don't wait until they die because then they won't know a thing.
Monday, July 12, 2004
Wisdom and Wealth.
Solomon was granted one request from God. He could have chosen
greatness but he chose wisdom. He knows that he needs wisdom to rule
the kingdom of Israel. He asked wisdom because he wants to be able to
serve his people.
Many people wish for things for their own pleasure. James reminds us
that we do not have because we do not ask God. But when we ask, we do
not receive because we ask for own pleasure. Solomon asked not for his
own benefits but for the benefit of his people.
Do you want wisdom or wealth? Chose you this day what you ask for.
Sunday, July 11, 2004
Family bonding.
along. Reached there Brother Ann and family just arrived. Had lunch
together and thereafter Bro Chai & family and Sister Mary & the two
daughters came. Had a good time of fellowship. I guess the children
enjoyed it most. By 4pm, we had to leave. Though the time spent there
is short but we enjoyed it just being together.
Praise God for the efforts taken by the family members to gather
together. Yes it costs money to travel there but its worth it. When
you die, you'll wish that you'll more time with your family.
How are you and your family members?
Discretion is about making choices between right and wrong. We must
always chose the right choices.
How many of us can say that we always made the right choices in life?
Maybe we do need to exercise wise discretion in our everyday life
David Bong
Visit my blog at http://davidbong.blogspot.com
Saturday, July 10, 2004
TNB and the trees
A group of TNB men were cutting off the branches of the trees along the road. They have to use the crane to help them cut off the branches. It makes me wonder of a few things.
Why do the state municipal allows the planting of trees that can grow so tall as to reach the electric cable?
Why waste the people's tax money by buying unsuitable plants/trees to plant along the roadside?
Why waste TNB's money for having to ask their worker to chop off the tree branches?
Doing without planning not only cost lots of money, time and energy but it also show poor management on the part of the government.
Do we now pity the trees or the TNB men?
Friday, July 09, 2004
A servant attitude and job responsibility
However, it is sad that one tend to blur the distinction between servant attitude and job responsibility. To be called a servant is to have the attitude of a servant. Others should not take it that that person should and can be asked to do any types of work/responsibility. Servants are also given specific responsibility. Even in the ancient time, servants are assigned to specific duty. The master knows that one servant cannot be asked to do everything under the sun. That would not be profitable for the master. One would never expect a male servant to be asked to work at the farm and to cook for the master at the same time. Other female servants would be the appropriate person/servant to do the job.
Likewise, let us bear this distinction in mind. Let us not expect a servant to do everything but only the specific duties that is given him. All of us have specific gifts/calling/ministries that is our responsibility. What we need to do is to carry out those gifts/calling/ministries with a servant heart.
Share your thoughts.
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Just a Thought!
All of use are growing older by the day and going nearer towards death. Use words then to give life and delay that process of death.
How many of us take the effort to think first before we say some words to others. Words once spoken can never be retracted. Be careful then of the words you want to say to others.
I always wanted to journal my life with words. Now, I pray that I'll will be consistent in doing so in this blog.