Annabelle small finger got bitten by an insect just now. We already asked her to sleep as it is already past her bedtime. She opened the room door and told me and her mommy that her finger is pain pain. Thinking that she is just trying to go out from the room and play, I told her to go back to sleep. After about 5 minutes she opened the room door again and said the same thing. Scolded her and asked her to go back to sleep again. About a minute later we heard her crying

in the room.
Went in and while still crying she showed me her finger. I was afraid that she might have twisted her finger but thank God it was not the case. Brought her out from the room and applied some ointment on her finger. Immediately she quietened down. She also asked me to pray for her finger. In the room she seems so happy. I guess she wants attention from her parents more than the ointment. Now she is asleep.
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