My little tomboyish Rebekah Bong

My little cheeky Ezra Bong
Everyone has a music inside their soul. It's the music that keeps you alive, motivating and pressing you to go on living. It Is Good To Remember The Music Inside!
Contributed by Milford Woods
Washington is really the most beautiful place I’ve ever lived.I moved to Kennewick a long time ago, and never plan on leaving. The Pacific Northwest just has so much to offer, and I am so happy here. I am close to my family, and have a beautiful home. The weather may be really rainy most of the time, but I don’t mind it. It’s not too hot, so that means I can hike and spend a lot of time outdoors, which is awesome. When I’m not outdoors enjoying all of the beautiful scenery, I’m usually at home on the internet. I lean on the internet for most of my communication. I don’t have a home phone line anymore, because I really felt like I was throwing money out the window. I also pay all my bills and read most of my news on online, so having good service is really important. I wanted to check out progress on wireless internet Kennewick, so I went online and checked it out. It’s crazy how many more local places are offering free wireless and how many more providers we have in the area now.
Guest post from: Constance Rodgers
We moved to Atlanta six months ago. My husband joined a practice in the Buckhead area. We also were lucky enough to find the perfect starter home for our family. I found out last week that one of my best friends got a job offer at a law firm in Atlanta and is going to take it. I have been helping her look for a house to buy this week. I think that she has narrowed the field down to two that she is trying to decide between. One home has an alarm system and the other doesn’t. I told her that it shouldn’t be a make or breaking point. It is easy to www.atlantahomesecurity.com and get an alarm system. That is what I did when we moved to Atlanta not too long ago. I am pushing the house that is closer to us. If she moves into the house closer to us we will only be about five minutes away. If she picks the other house with traffic she will be about thirty minutes away. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will be close. I have been wanting a really close friend inAtlanta since we moved here!