If you ever need to export your valuable equipment, you might want to consider portland export crating. They are the expertise in this field. With portland crating services, you can be rest assured that your valuable equipment will reach its destination still intact!
They have the expertise and experience to solve even the most difficult and challenging custom crating and packaging needs. With portland crating, if you have high tech products, their do have shock resistant crating to moisture barrier crating and packaging systems for shipping your most valuable equipment.
If ever I need to move my business oversea, and can’t get all my computers sold, I might just bring them over. I wonder whether they do provide compartmental crating to store all my computers or they will just stack my computers since they are already in the boxes. I will inquire about this with them if ever the time comes and the needs arise.
Everyone has a music inside their soul. It's the music that keeps you alive, motivating and pressing you to go on living. It Is Good To Remember The Music Inside!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Ant & The Grasshopper
Got this beautiful story cum analogy from an email. Hope everybody can learn from it.
Older Version
The Ant works hard the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.
Modern Malaysian NEP Version
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant ' s a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
TV1, TV2 & TV3 show up to ! provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The majority of the Malaysian Parliment stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor Grasshopper allowed suffering so?
Khairy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant 's house .
Nazri goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter.
Most of the related people criticizes the Malaysia Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.
The local news paper & the Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance) .
Deputy minister immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and Grasshoppers.
Hishammudin makes 'More Special Reservation ' for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.
The Ant; fined for failing to comply with 30% sharing and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes; its home is confiscated by the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by maju ---------.
Prime Minister announces to the whole Malaysia that this is part of the NEP and all have to respect, no question ask and have to follow it.
Many years later
The Ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi-billion dollar company. 100s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in Malaysia because of loosing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the Grasshoppers, Malaysia is still a developing country!!!
All bcos the ANTS are still doing their work.............................
Older Version
The Ant works hard the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.
Modern Malaysian NEP Version
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant ' s a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
TV1, TV2 & TV3 show up to ! provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The majority of the Malaysian Parliment stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor Grasshopper allowed suffering so?
Khairy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant 's house .
Nazri goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter.
Most of the related people criticizes the Malaysia Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.
The local news paper & the Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance) .
Deputy minister immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and Grasshoppers.
Hishammudin makes 'More Special Reservation ' for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.
The Ant; fined for failing to comply with 30% sharing and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes; its home is confiscated by the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by maju ---------.
Prime Minister announces to the whole Malaysia that this is part of the NEP and all have to respect, no question ask and have to follow it.
Many years later
The Ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi-billion dollar company. 100s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in Malaysia because of loosing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the Grasshoppers, Malaysia is still a developing country!!!
All bcos the ANTS are still doing their work.............................
Thursday, May 22, 2008
40 years difference
When I was a 20-something college student, I became quite friendly with my study partner, a 64-year-old man, who had returned to school to finish his degree. He confessed, with a wink, that he had once thought more than friendship might be a possibility between us.
"So what changed your mind?" I asked him.
"I went to my doctor and asked if he thought a 40-year age difference between a man and woman was insurmountable. He looked at my chart and said, 'You're interested in someone who's 104?'"
Courtesy of Cybersalt Digest
"So what changed your mind?" I asked him.
"I went to my doctor and asked if he thought a 40-year age difference between a man and woman was insurmountable. He looked at my chart and said, 'You're interested in someone who's 104?'"
Courtesy of Cybersalt Digest
Monday, May 19, 2008
Wah...I'm blessed

Though she claimed that it(the dish) is a disaster as the gravy is burnt, I still enjoyed eating it. No lah, it is not really burnt and if it is not mentioned I would not notice also. Anyway, it is delicious.
Thank you dear for the treat. Love you.
Things to Do:
1) Do up the partition for the office room which costs about RM1K.
2) Buy another 2 more PC for the shop which costs about RM3600.00
3) Buy another PC for home use which will cost RM1800.
4) Buy a car which will cost RM46K
5) Repair the roof for the store which will cost about RM2-3K
6) Redo the shop's signboard which will cost about RM2K.
Haiyo...... all need money. So since we do not have the means to do it... wait lah.

2) Buy another 2 more PC for the shop which costs about RM3600.00
3) Buy another PC for home use which will cost RM1800.
4) Buy a car which will cost RM46K
5) Repair the roof for the store which will cost about RM2-3K
6) Redo the shop's signboard which will cost about RM2K.
Haiyo...... all need money. So since we do not have the means to do it... wait lah.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Vacation for ourselves
My wife told me that we would not be planning for a holiday any near future. We felt so tired after going for two holidays within two months. I guess the holidays are more for the children than for us adults. We spent more energy looking after the children than to enjoy ourselves. I told my wife that if ever we really want to enjoy ourselves during a holiday, we have to go there without our children. Alternatively we can go when the children are much older and can look after themselves. That would be like another 15 to 20 years down the road and I don’t think we want to wait that long. Maybe we will plan to go for Las Vegas vacations without the children and try to have the time of our lives there in Vegas.
Maid To MIL House
Since Mother won't be around and wifey and I will be working in the morning, we can't be leaving the maid alone at home. So we have decided that the maid will be staying at MIL's house until wifey comes back from work, that is at 12noon. Then she will follow wifey back home after the children had their lunch.
Mother Leaving To KL
Bro Cheng and Enso Yen supposed to go to Langkawi end of this month with Bro Ann and family. Mother will be going along too. Since Enso Yen just went for an operation, they canceled the trip. Unfortunately, no one will be fetching Mother to Bro Ann's house.
Since Bro Chuan is back this weekend, Mother will followed him back and stayed with them until the day of the trip. So, we won't be seeing Mother until next month then!
Since Bro Chuan is back this weekend, Mother will followed him back and stayed with them until the day of the trip. So, we won't be seeing Mother until next month then!
Don't want to go home
Every time we brought our children for a holiday, they would really enjoyed themselves and would not want to go back home. They so enjoyed the rides they experienced in Genting Highlands that they are asking us to bring them there again. We too enjoyed the rides in Genting but I think the best time for us is the time spent at the warm water pool. Then at the Tiara Beach Resort, the same thing happened. The children so enjoyed themselves at the Children Corner that they do not want to go home. I am sure if my wife is able to get discount Disney World tickets the same thing would happened in Orlando. The children would definitely enjoyed themselves and would not want to go home. But home they must go for I love my sweet bed and pillow more than going for a holiday.
Cyst Operation
A week ago, one of my SILs went for an operation to remove the cyst in her womb. During the scan, they found 1 cyst and told her the cost is RM5k to remove it. During the operation, the doctor found 3 cyst instead of one and they charged her RM9k for all 3.
What people would do?
Do you know to what extend a person will do in order to get the tickets for the premier game or show? Some girls are willing to walk naked in front of their friends just to get the tickets for their favorite band. And no, I have not seen those naked girls and I do not condone such actions. I know it is nice to get myself the Miami Heat tickets but I would never degraded myself to obtain it. If ever I need to find myself a ticket, I would only need to check out premiumseatsusa.com and get the tickets from there. It is not just any game tickets that they offer but also various shows in USA. And please, do not be like those girls who are so desperate and willing to go naked for the tickets. Just check out the website.

Since they do not have much to do that Sunday, wifey brought them to the field later in the evening when the sun is going to set. They had fun kicking their balls at the side of the field.
5 years old
Let it benefit the people
The Star wrote an article about the Malaysian Government and TM investing about RM15.2B to expand the broadband services in this country. I gladly welcome this move by the Government and sincerely hope that such project would not be delayed. While countries like Korea provide broadband service that is up to 1000MB to consumers, Malaysia generally provide from 1MB to 4MB to its consumers. Such vast differences and yet we boast of our Multimedia Super Corridor. What is the purpose of having such Super Corridor when the people does not benefit from it. Being an internet café operator, I would love to provide VoIP phone systems services to my customers but with only 2MB bandwith, I really have to think many times. I prefer not to provide any services if the services offered will not be to what the customers expected it to be. So for now, I will just wait until the broadband service here is upgraded to a higher bandwidth.
Not her genes
Annabelle being cheeky and playful said this to her Mommy.
Annabelle: Mommy, you so crazylah.
Mommy: Yalar, if you say that then you have a crazy Mommy.
Daddy: Yalor Annabelle, thank God that you have more of Daddy's genes. If not, you be crazy too.
LOL. Then the Mommy attacked the Daddy."Help! Help!". Thank God Annabelle came to the rescue.
Annabelle: Mommy, you so crazylah.
Mommy: Yalar, if you say that then you have a crazy Mommy.
Daddy: Yalor Annabelle, thank God that you have more of Daddy's genes. If not, you be crazy too.
LOL. Then the Mommy attacked the Daddy."Help! Help!". Thank God Annabelle came to the rescue.
My favorite food now

The gravy is thick and you can really taste the sour taste of the TomYam. If you are in Melaka and wants to try out the Tomyam, let me know.
Good advertisement
I received the magazine today. It is full of advertisements. It is interesting to see what other businesses are advertising or promoting to the public. It is also another way for me to find the necessary services or products at a discounted price that I need for my shop. Most new shops would advertise their promotions in the magazine. It is indeed a good way to promote their business. It is through this magazine I heard about Dr Fish and we will be going there next week to check it out.
Every city would have their own magazine and if you are in Denver and wants to know more about Denver, check out Denver magazine. It is a good way for you to know what is happening in Denver. Oh ya, if you are interested to join me in exploring Dr. Fish, do let me know. But you have to come down to Melaka lah.
Every city would have their own magazine and if you are in Denver and wants to know more about Denver, check out Denver magazine. It is a good way for you to know what is happening in Denver. Oh ya, if you are interested to join me in exploring Dr. Fish, do let me know. But you have to come down to Melaka lah.
Business offer
A friend of mine told me that he is interested to open a bookstore. It seems that he is planning to retire/resign from teaching this year and has in his mind to start a Christian bookstore. He approached me inquiring whether I would be interested to start the business together with him. Well, I was quite surprised to hear that he is resigning from teaching. He is a good BM teacher and I am sure many students have benefited from this teaching. As for the business opportunity, I need to ask God to see whether I should join him and if yes, where I can fit into the plan.
He is back
Philip told me that Mr Wong Kow Fu had came back to Melaka. Mr Wong was a national footballer and is actively involved in coaching young people in soccer. Wow... that is good news. Will be contacting him if he can help out with the RGFC team. Hope he has time to come and train us. Then it would be to the team's benefit to learn from him.
Choose correctly
When you car broke down you know you need to find a good mechanic to repair your car. And a good mechanic would recommend to you to buy the original spare parts of the specific car model. If you own a Ford Taurus and the radiator need to be replaced, then you need to find one Taurus Radiator and not just the ordinary radiator. However, if you are not so concerned about original parts, you still need to find a good and certified Ford radiator OEM style. And not every time you need to use the original spare parts. If your car is as old as my old junk, using OEM parts is still acceptable. My old Datsun car radiator had to be replaced and the mechanic simply installed an expensive branded radiator without my knowledge. Imagine a branded and good quality radiator in an old junk. It just looks funny and not making sense. Anyway, if you need to find good radiator, check out radiator.com.
ISLT training postponed
Received a phone call from Philip Devadas. He told me that the ISLT Level 1 training that is scheduled to be held next week had to be postponed to sometime in June. The reason is because the dates coincide with the beginning of school holidays and most of the students would have church camps to attend. As such the dates would not be suitable. Had to inform Andy about it as he is interested to attend the training.
What would you do if you have no ideas to write for your post? Well, one way is to go to other people's blog and copy what was written. That is called plagiarism and this lady experienced someone copied her post without linking it to her post. Even after being reprimanded, nothing much was done by the copycat to rectify the matter.
If you are really desperate, you can copy but please link it to the original post.
If you are really desperate, you can copy but please link it to the original post.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
You need PowerBroker
Do you know that most big companies are running their computer systems using UNIX or Linux? Yes, as much as most end users would think that Windows based operating system is better than Linux, the opposite it true. I read an article on the comparison done between Windows and Linux operating systems and the winner is Linux. The comparison was done on various factors like how many times the computer crashes, security, costs and many other important factors. Big companies placed the utmost importance in security as important and vital company data are stored in their data storage computers and servers. If you are looking at what these big companies are using for their computer security, check out this power broker and Power Password software by Symark. It can provide secure access for your servers, applications and network devices. Do not compromise your vital company data, invest in PowerBroker.
The Saloon is opened
Mo Style Saloon has just opened for business. It is only 2 shoplots away from my shop. The owner Iven is a trained and skilled hairstylist. He worked in KL for a few years and decided to open his own business here. So if any of you in Melaka wants to do your hair, go to Mo Style Saloon near Giant Hypermarket. He is offering promotions now, discounted prices for the hair cuts.
Everything in place
So far, I have tried to make complete the services provided by my business. All the necessary additions in terms of printer, computers, food and beverages are done. There is of course a possibility of adding another 2 new computers but that will be on hold until the need arises. As for now, the number of computers in the shop is sufficient. Everything is now in place.
Thank you Clarissa
I received something beautiful today. And it is from someone special. She came in with joy on her face and with a beautiful smile gave me the small bouquet of flowers. “Here Daddy, flowers for you”, said Clarissa, my second daughter. No, it is not red roses but the different flowers she pluck from our garden. The flowers are not arranged as beautifully as the florists would do it but that does not matter to me. It is the sincerity and love shown on her face that makes my heart melt and fill with joy. Thank you Clarissa for your beautiful expression of love to Daddy.
Good News for the business
One customer told me that in June 2008, there would be a group of about 600 students who will be staying in a nearby apartments. Wow! This is really good news for the business. I do pray that this good news will become a reality and the students will come and use my internet services. Waiting and praying for it to happen.
Exercise your eyes
Told Clarissa that she needs to exercise her eyes. Since she has to wear the spectacle, she has to take time to exercise her eyes. Taught her a few eye exercises and she seems willing to try out. The only problem is that I have to make sure that she exercise her eyes and make time to exercise our eyes together. Should would not do it on her own.
We Did It, We Did it
We did it, we did it. Yes, we did it at last. It is our first time doing it. After much thinking and delaying, we finally pick up our courage and went there. There are so many options on how we want it done but we went there with an open mind. Unfortunately, when we went there, the place was packed and so we decided to come back again on another day. We went to Dr Fish instead for our body massage. This too is our first time doing it.
Then the next day, while I was at work, she called and said that she did it. Wah… at last, we have our own gold saving accounts. Yes, we have been thinking about opening the gold saving accounts but it did not materialized due to various reasons. We were thinking about buying US Mint Coins as another way of investing our money but we finally decided on the gold saving account. Yes, we did it.
Then the next day, while I was at work, she called and said that she did it. Wah… at last, we have our own gold saving accounts. Yes, we have been thinking about opening the gold saving accounts but it did not materialized due to various reasons. We were thinking about buying US Mint Coins as another way of investing our money but we finally decided on the gold saving account. Yes, we did it.
They came, they go
The group from Penang came. They are from PERDA, making a learning tour about Melaka's E-Program. A whole bus load. They came to have a look at my shop. Then Andy and I gave a short briefing on what we have done with the Program E-Melaka. After the short briefing, we allowed them to ask questions which we managed to answer. After that, we were presented with a gift each from PERDA and off they went to another cyber-cafe.
It is updated
Last year, my business account is really in the mess. I do not have all the proper receipts and vouchers. Even my bank account statements were not properly kept and some got missing. I had to pay the bank to provide me a copy of the missing statements. All these is because of the income tax requirements.
Now, I make sure that all the transactions and payments are properly recorded. It takes a great effort on my part as I am not the administrative type of worker. I am happy as all my business accounts are all recorded properly and is up to date.
Now, I make sure that all the transactions and payments are properly recorded. It takes a great effort on my part as I am not the administrative type of worker. I am happy as all my business accounts are all recorded properly and is up to date.
Get another engine
When your car has turned 20 years old like my old junk, you can have 3 options in front of you. Firstly, you can get a totally new car which will cause you a big dent in your pocket. Of course your monthly installment payment must also be taken into consideration. Secondly you can continue using the car and repair it whenever and wherever it broke down. There is the hassle of you being in nowhere when your car starts broke down. And you will never know when and where the trouble will appear. Thirdly, you can check out midwest auto recycling and get a used engine and fix it into your old junk. It is much cheaper than to get a new car and you can still enjoy driving your old junk. I did it for my old junk and am still satisfied with the used engine’s performance. No complaints from me.
It's convenient to have Paypal account
I needed to buy Alz for my Cabal game. The only way to do that is to buy it from the various websites that offer Alz for sale. And the payment can be made via Paypal. Since I got a Paypal account with some money still in it, I managed to buy the Alz that I needed. Come to think of it, it is very convenient to have a Paypal account, not only to buy products online, but also to buy game items. Now, I need to find money to transfer to my paypal account.
New online game for me
I've stopped actively playing Mosiang Online game for a few months already. It has been great and good for me since I have to attend to other matters in the business. Anyway, I still keep the ID as most of my customers are still playing Mosiang and I need to use my game ID/character to help them in various ways. Now, I am into Cabal Online. The only reason I decided to play this game is because I can train my character skill without the need to press the keyboard all the time. It can be set for auto attack mode and the character will attack the mob until the mob dies. This is suitable for me as I can do other things at the same time. Now still actively training my character skill.
Worth your investment
Want to make money via trading in stock options? You can do it the conservative way by reading the newspaper and whatever information you can find in the media or you can do it via PowerOptions. PowerOptions is the software that you need to get ahead and be fully aware of all the possibilities in the trading market. You can easily get the information of more than 2900 optionable stocks and 190000 options. Now if you want to sort that amount of information the conservative way, you will turn your black hair into white in less than a month. Not so with PowerOptions which enables you to automatically sort, filter and analyze the entire amount at your fingertips. Get PowerOptions now if you wants to ensure that you can find all your options express. Just a little investment of this software but it would be worth every penny of it.
At last
At last I decided to service my shop air conditioner. Since the day it was fixed to the wall until now, it has yet to be serviced. I do clean the filter from time to time but that does not really help. After much thinking, I finally decided to call the service guys and they came. Wow, it was dirty, covered with much dust. Really glad that I made the right choice. Will ask them to service another unit of air conditioner by next month.
Quite restless now. With no tasks at hand, I find myself living life aimlessly. Yes, I can play the online game but that does not truly satisfies my soul. Still memorizing the Scripture, now at chapter 3 of James. I need to do some kind of project. Maybe will paint the bedroom. But do I have the time to do it....haizzz.
I shoot you lah
There is one game that is catching up in this part of the world. It is the Paintball. Imagine the thrill and excitement of finding an enemy and shooting him down. Yes, that would indeed be thrilling. I have a group of customers in who loves to play Counterstrike. The excitement of finding the enemy and shooting the enemies down is shown by their shouts of joy and frustrations. What more if they can play the real "counterstrike game" i.e. the Paintball. I'm sure it would be a lifetime thrill for them. Maybe I should consider venturing into providing Paintball in my state. I can easily get the paintball tanks, paintball guns, goggles, hats, hoodies and other items from ZephyrPaintball.com. Anybody wants to joint venture? I provide the place, you can provide the capital.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Be like Sherlock Holmes
As I expected it to be, the game The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes provides the player with the classic investigation methods. The player is given opportunities to solve various cases from the missing jewelry to murder. I decided to try out (or in this matter to solve) as many cases possible within a 60 minutes period. Well, that attitude to finish as many cases possible does not help me to think carefully about the possible suspects in each case. In all three cases, I have chosen the wrong suspects. However, thanks to Sherlock Holmes, the cases are solved and the suspects are caught. I should have used my mind and consider all the possibilities and clues given in the game.
In all the three cases that I managed to play, the player is given the opportunity to spot differences in two similar pictures. Of course with Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass, the task is made easier. The differences are not easy to spot but that should not be a worry to the player. Each player is given a limited number of hints to find the differences. Try not to use up these hints unless you really cannot find it.
The players too are taken to task to remember various items to be identified with various suspects. It is to test your memory. I kind of enjoy this part of the game. Among other things that the players have to do is to solve various puzzles.
Well, this game is definitely not for small children. It requires a certain level of understanding and lots of thinking if one wants to guess the correct suspects. For those who want to exercise your mind, I would surely recommend this game. As for me, I will make sure I guess the correct suspect in the next case to solve.

The players too are taken to task to remember various items to be identified with various suspects. It is to test your memory. I kind of enjoy this part of the game. Among other things that the players have to do is to solve various puzzles.
Well, this game is definitely not for small children. It requires a certain level of understanding and lots of thinking if one wants to guess the correct suspects. For those who want to exercise your mind, I would surely recommend this game. As for me, I will make sure I guess the correct suspect in the next case to solve.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Time to go Shopping
One of my favourite pastime is to go out with my wife. It is not so much of the places that we went to but more so of the companionship with her that I enjoyed. No, personally I don't like to go shopping. I only go shopping when there are things that needs to be bought. Or I really got nothing to do and really bored with what I am doing at that time, then only would I consider going shopping.
I prefers to stay at home and if possible do all my shopping at home. Yes, shop online. If I can do most of my banking via online, now I can do my shopping too via online. That's the convenience of having internet and a computer at home. Just check out ShopWiki.com and you can find most of the things you want to buy there.
Shopping online is now much easier. You can compare the prices from various retailers without the need to physically be at the various retailers. You can find various products like XBox+360, women's clothings, electrical items and much more. You can even find motorcycles parts. I've been thinking of getting myself a leather jacket. Hmm...I need to check out my paypal account first.

Shopping online is now much easier. You can compare the prices from various retailers without the need to physically be at the various retailers. You can find various products like XBox+360, women's clothings, electrical items and much more. You can even find motorcycles parts. I've been thinking of getting myself a leather jacket. Hmm...I need to check out my paypal account first.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Time passes by
Time passes by nowadays. More like time flies by. It's been 7 years since the day I said "I do" to my lovely beautiful wife. It was a memorable wedding ceremony where my wife uses the float on the swimming pool as she "walked" to the wedding altar. Seven years flew and I am blessed with a more devoted wife and three beautiful children. God has been the focus of our marriage and has blessed us and protected us during our various times of trouble and hardships.
Not many of my things still existed since that day. Most of my clothes are gone. Even my muscular shape body has changed from the V shape to the H shape. I hope it would not going to be the pear shape. Hehehe...must do something about that. Even my watches does not last. I do not even remember how many watches that I have used since I got married. No, it has nothing to do with my wife. It is just the watches are not of good quality and not suitable for a sport person like me.
Maybe I could recommend my wife to get for me fp journe watches for my birthday. There are beautiful and creative designs of FP Journe watches that caught my eyes. It sure looks stylish and suitable when I have to meet with other businessman. That reminds me that I would be meeting about 40 delegates from Penang who would be visiting my cybercafe shop this coming Friday. I wonder whether the watch that I am using now is suitable for the occasion or should I get a new one.
I tried to find any ladies fp journe sport watches but to no avail. There are diamond decorated watches although not from the same designer that are really beautiful but that is really beyond my means. I am sure my wife would love it as our 7th year Wedding Anniversary gift to her but that would have to wait. Maybe we will wait for another 7 years before we could afford it.
Not many of my things still existed since that day. Most of my clothes are gone. Even my muscular shape body has changed from the V shape to the H shape. I hope it would not going to be the pear shape. Hehehe...must do something about that. Even my watches does not last. I do not even remember how many watches that I have used since I got married. No, it has nothing to do with my wife. It is just the watches are not of good quality and not suitable for a sport person like me.
I tried to find any ladies fp journe sport watches but to no avail. There are diamond decorated watches although not from the same designer that are really beautiful but that is really beyond my means. I am sure my wife would love it as our 7th year Wedding Anniversary gift to her but that would have to wait. Maybe we will wait for another 7 years before we could afford it.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Gas again!.... good tips for you.... read lah...lol
Since the last post is about gas (or petrol in this part of the world), I thought I post this tips about gas (or petrol lah) that I received in my email.
Now that the price of gasoline (or petrol lah) keep on increasing, maybe this would help you a bit in the long run (marathon style).
TIPS ON FILLING YOUR CAR(S) (Good information)
I don't know what you guys are paying for petrol....
But here in Durban (*not Dubai but Durban which is in South Africa), We are also paying higher, up to R7.35 per litre. But my line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every litre.
Here at the Marian Hill Pipeline where I work in Durban, we deliver about 4 million litres in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline. One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and petrol, LRP and Unleaded. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 litres.
Only buy or fill up your car or bike in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground.
The colder the ground the more dense the fuel, when it gets warmer petrol expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your litre is not exactly a litre. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the petrol, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role.
A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.
When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode. If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. In slow mode you should be pumping on low speed, thereby minimizing the vapours that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapour return.
If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapour. Those vapours are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.
One of the most important tips is to fill up when your tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is, the more fuel you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. petrol evaporates faster than you can imagine.
Petroleum storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the petrol and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation.
Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every litre is actually the exact amount.
Another reminder, if there is a fuel truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy, DO NOT fill up--most likely the petrol/diesel is being stirred up as the fuel is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.
Hope this will help you get the most value for your money.
Steve Caines
DO SHARE THESE TIPS WITH OTHERS! And Yes... you can be a copycat like this Indian blogger and copy this post. Just don't copycat my personal post like this stupid Indian blogger did. ...lol
Now that the price of gasoline (or petrol lah) keep on increasing, maybe this would help you a bit in the long run (marathon style).
TIPS ON FILLING YOUR CAR(S) (Good information)
I don't know what you guys are paying for petrol....
But here in Durban (*not Dubai but Durban which is in South Africa), We are also paying higher, up to R7.35 per litre. But my line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every litre.
Here at the Marian Hill Pipeline where I work in Durban, we deliver about 4 million litres in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline. One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and petrol, LRP and Unleaded. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 litres.
Only buy or fill up your car or bike in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground.
The colder the ground the more dense the fuel, when it gets warmer petrol expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your litre is not exactly a litre. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the petrol, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role.
A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.
When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode. If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. In slow mode you should be pumping on low speed, thereby minimizing the vapours that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapour return.
If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapour. Those vapours are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.
One of the most important tips is to fill up when your tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is, the more fuel you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. petrol evaporates faster than you can imagine.
Petroleum storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the petrol and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation.
Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every litre is actually the exact amount.
Another reminder, if there is a fuel truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy, DO NOT fill up--most likely the petrol/diesel is being stirred up as the fuel is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.
Hope this will help you get the most value for your money.
Steve Caines
DO SHARE THESE TIPS WITH OTHERS! And Yes... you can be a copycat like this Indian blogger and copy this post. Just don't copycat my personal post like this stupid Indian blogger did. ...lol
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Ran out of Gas
The other day while driving back from work, I noticed that my car gas indicator pointed to empty. Haizz, ... been busy thinking about various matters until I forgot to check my car petrol. Anyway, that incident reminded me of this beautiful and humorous story. Enjoy.
A little girl asks her Mom, "May I take the dog for a walk around the block?" Mom says, "No honey, the dog is in heat."
"What's that mean?" asked the child. "Go ask your Father. I think he's in the garage". The little girl goes to the garage and says, "Dad, can I take Susie for a walk around the block? I
asked Mom but she said the dog was in heat and said I should ask you".
Her Dad said, "Bring Susie over here".
He took a rag, soaked it with gasoline, and scrubbed the dog's rear end with it and said, "Ok, you can go now but keep Susie on the leash and only go one time around the block". The
little girl leaves and returns a few minutes later with no dog on the leash.
Her Dad asks, "Where's Susie?"
The girl replies, "Susie ran out of gas about halfway down the block -and there's another dog pushing her home!
A little girl asks her Mom, "May I take the dog for a walk around the block?" Mom says, "No honey, the dog is in heat."
"What's that mean?" asked the child. "Go ask your Father. I think he's in the garage". The little girl goes to the garage and says, "Dad, can I take Susie for a walk around the block? I
asked Mom but she said the dog was in heat and said I should ask you".
Her Dad said, "Bring Susie over here".
He took a rag, soaked it with gasoline, and scrubbed the dog's rear end with it and said, "Ok, you can go now but keep Susie on the leash and only go one time around the block". The
little girl leaves and returns a few minutes later with no dog on the leash.
Her Dad asks, "Where's Susie?"
The girl replies, "Susie ran out of gas about halfway down the block -and there's another dog pushing her home!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Very Painful lah
Had my first taste of reflexology at Tiara Beach Resort. Wow... not as I expected it to be. What did I expected it to be? Well, I expected it to be a nice wonderful titillating massage session. But boy..was I wrong.
It turned out to be very painful and torturing. The reflexologist has strong hands and fingers. I really can feel the pain as he pressed the blood veins on my feet.
Not sure whether I want to go for another foot massage in the new future.
It turned out to be very painful and torturing. The reflexologist has strong hands and fingers. I really can feel the pain as he pressed the blood veins on my feet.
Not sure whether I want to go for another foot massage in the new future.
My FIRST time
As I walked out of my hotel room, I noticed that at the end of the corridor two small stands beautifully decorated with mini water fountains and mini calla lilies. "Why is the room decorated as such?", I wondered to myself. As I walked near the room, I noticed the door decorated with strings of beaded seashells. Hmmm.... what is this room for? A sweet aroma flows out from the room. In a glance I saw the inside of the room. It is dimly lighted with wall lightings at each corner of the room. There are decorated sofas in it and a couple was chatting away while watching the television.
As I had to go somewhere else, I did not linger around to further check out the room. But my mind wonders about the room. Maybe I'll check it out tonite.
I told her about the room and she too was curious about it. We planned to check it out after supper. After supper, we changed to our casual clothings, me in my shorts and she chose to wear her T-shirt. We walked towards the room and the sweet aroma caught my attention. It is a different aroma from the evening aroma. The Calla Lilies are still there. We were quite nervous as to what we will find out about the room but we are willing to take the risks. I pushed the beaded strings of seashells and saw the couple still in the room. But this time, there is another man together with them.
We walked into the room. Immediately the couple and the man stood up and looked at us. They smiled and after a brief introduction, asked us to be seated. The couple then went inside another room and both came out with a tray of lotions and towel. The man asked us to relax and put our legs out on the cushion stools which we did. What happened after that was indescribable. The lotions were poured on my skin and with skillful hands the ordeal began. It was so nice to be massaged with lotion but most of the time it was painful.
Ahhh....my first reflexology session.

I told her about the room and she too was curious about it. We planned to check it out after supper. After supper, we changed to our casual clothings, me in my shorts and she chose to wear her T-shirt. We walked towards the room and the sweet aroma caught my attention. It is a different aroma from the evening aroma. The Calla Lilies are still there. We were quite nervous as to what we will find out about the room but we are willing to take the risks. I pushed the beaded strings of seashells and saw the couple still in the room. But this time, there is another man together with them.
We walked into the room. Immediately the couple and the man stood up and looked at us. They smiled and after a brief introduction, asked us to be seated. The couple then went inside another room and both came out with a tray of lotions and towel. The man asked us to relax and put our legs out on the cushion stools which we did. What happened after that was indescribable. The lotions were poured on my skin and with skillful hands the ordeal began. It was so nice to be massaged with lotion but most of the time it was painful.
Ahhh....my first reflexology session.
Tiara Beach Resort for holiday
Went to Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson for a holiday break. Just the family and MIL. About an hour drive from home. It was a hot day. The day earlier, I wasn't so sure whether I could make it for this trip. Had headache and feeling like vomiting while at work. Thank God by Sunday morning my body got better and able to attend church service. So off we went to Tiara Beach Resort reaching there at 3.30pm.
Don't let the name deceives you. The Resort is not situated at the beach. However, that does not stop them from creating a man made beach within their compound. To their credit, their man made beach is very nice. The water is clean and clear. Very suitable for the children to enjoy themselves. The only setback is the water slides are not properly aligned. It is not smooth and all the children and adults seems to have difficulties sliding down the slides uninterruptedly.
The rooms are quite nice and clean. However, for a non-airconditioner lover like me, sleeping in the room with the air-conditioner switched on (without any means of controlling the temperature) is not a nice experience. Switching off the air-cond would meant sleeping in a non ventilated room unless I want to invite the mosquitoes in by opening the window. Thank God it is only for a night.
Oh ya, we didn't get to eat buffet breakfast but had to order ala-carte breakfast. Quite disappointed about that. Though I am not a heavy breakfast eater, I would still want to enjoy my breakfast especially when I am on holiday and already paid for it. The service was quite slow. Even the family that sat near us also complained to me about the slow service.
Overall, the children enjoyed themselves. That's the most important thing as this is to celebrate Annabelle's birthday.
Would I want to go there again? Maybe yes, only if I go there in a big group. Reason being the resort have lots of facilities for group activities. And hopefully by then they would have done something about the water slides.
Don't let the name deceives you. The Resort is not situated at the beach. However, that does not stop them from creating a man made beach within their compound. To their credit, their man made beach is very nice. The water is clean and clear. Very suitable for the children to enjoy themselves. The only setback is the water slides are not properly aligned. It is not smooth and all the children and adults seems to have difficulties sliding down the slides uninterruptedly.
The rooms are quite nice and clean. However, for a non-airconditioner lover like me, sleeping in the room with the air-conditioner switched on (without any means of controlling the temperature) is not a nice experience. Switching off the air-cond would meant sleeping in a non ventilated room unless I want to invite the mosquitoes in by opening the window. Thank God it is only for a night.
Oh ya, we didn't get to eat buffet breakfast but had to order ala-carte breakfast. Quite disappointed about that. Though I am not a heavy breakfast eater, I would still want to enjoy my breakfast especially when I am on holiday and already paid for it. The service was quite slow. Even the family that sat near us also complained to me about the slow service.
Overall, the children enjoyed themselves. That's the most important thing as this is to celebrate Annabelle's birthday.
Would I want to go there again? Maybe yes, only if I go there in a big group. Reason being the resort have lots of facilities for group activities. And hopefully by then they would have done something about the water slides.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Happy Birthday Annabelle
Annabelle is 5 years old already. Yes, time does fly very fast. At times I can't believe that it has been that long. I can still remember watching you coming out from your mother's womb into this world. You are indeed a joy to Daddy. Every time people see you they will say that you have your Daddy's look. That makes Daddy very happy. At times Daddy would look at your beautiful sweet chubby face and wonder.
But what makes Daddy happier is to see you grown to be a sweet, kind and caring sister to Clarissa and Barnabas. Daddy loves to hold you in Daddy's arm and to receive your blessings and kisses. It is indeed a joy to be your Daddy. You are indeed God's wonderful blessing to Daddy. Thank you and please remember that Daddy loves you very much.
Happy Birthday Dear Annabelle.
But what makes Daddy happier is to see you grown to be a sweet, kind and caring sister to Clarissa and Barnabas. Daddy loves to hold you in Daddy's arm and to receive your blessings and kisses. It is indeed a joy to be your Daddy. You are indeed God's wonderful blessing to Daddy. Thank you and please remember that Daddy loves you very much.
Happy Birthday Dear Annabelle.
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