Everyone has a music inside their soul. It's the music that keeps you alive, motivating and pressing you to go on living. It Is Good To Remember The Music Inside!
Friday, November 30, 2007
A new hobby
If you are in Jusco, check it out at the children's playground.
Eating at Renaissance
The food is tasty and nice. I would have gone for a second round if my stomach permits it. We enjoyed eating there even though we did not managed to try out all the dishes and food that were on display. And we had an enjoyable conversation during the meal. After paying the bill, we walked out fully satisfied. Thank you Lord.
Beware of this disease
Now that you already know the name, you might want to know the causes of Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is caused by being exposed to a mineral called asbestos. Yes, asbestos. Even short exposure to asbestos fibers can be dangerous and cause Mesothelioma. The fibers have been linked more frequently with these occupations:
Auto Mechanics
Boiler makers
Building Inspectors
Floor Coverings
Furnace Workers
Hod carriers
Iron workers
Maintenance workers
Merchant marines
Operating Engineers
Sand blasters
Sheet metal workers
Steam fitters
Tile setters
If you want to know more about mesothelioma, check out the website and ask for a free information packet. Your action might save your life or someone else’s life.
He vomited on me
Wishes Come True
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Another Restaurant Banned
The Nasi Ayam came first. Then we waited, and waited, and waited but the other food did not arrive. So instead of we eating first, we decided to let the maid eat first while I took care of Barnabas. Then we waited and waited. Wifey already decided to cancel our orders when the other customers that came after us received their food first. While at the counter, the food we ordered arrived. Since the food is there, we ate it.
Looks like the restaurant will be in our ban list. So far there are two restaurants in that list. Bad service, slow service.
A New LCD Monitor
We then decided to buy a new monitor, a LCD monitor, the one that we should have bought earlier instead of the 19” CRT monitor. This new LCD monitor costs us a bomb, RM610. We also bought the screen protector to protect the monitor from our children who loves to touch the monitor screen. Since we did not bring a lot of cash, we paid it using our credit card. Our previous purchase at the shop was for a laptop. Since the price for the laptop is high, we took an installment plan. It is like taking a bank loan but using the credit card. There is still a long way to go to finish paying for that laptop. For now, we would just enjoy using our new LCD monitor.
SMS from a friend
He has always been the encourager, generous with his words of encouragement. I am sure he has a whole list of people that he encourages from time to time. However, I am not sure whether he has a Mailing Lists for that purpose as I has yet to receive any cards or letters from him. Maybe he only has SMS list.
Oh ya, I still has yet to reply him. Hehehe...so bad of me. So, my dear friend, if you or your wife is reading this post, I just want to say thank you for that sms. And God bless you both.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A Businessman is Not Necessarily Rich
Almost everyone that I meet when I told them that business is slow, they will always say that it takes 3 years to see the fruit of our labour. Well, 1 year has just passed. Thank God that I do not have to bear any losses. 2 more years to go. I hope I would be able to settle my debt before the 2 years is up.
If not, maybe I will need debt advice to help me find ways to expedite my loan repayment. I just do not like to be in debt for too long period of time. No financial freedom.
Free homeschooling?
However, this homeschool concept is actually not a new concept. Education is intended to begin at home and to be taught at home by the parents. That is how it is done in the past. Now, homeschooling is becoming a viable option especially in America. If you think that the public school system is not good for your children, do consider homeschooling your children. One of the website that you can check out is K-12 Free Homeschool. Yes, that is what it says, FREE. Now, you may ask yourself, "How can it be tuition-free?". Here's how it can be tuition-free.
It is free because somebody else paid for it, most of it are from organizations that believes in the benefits of homeschooling. It is a new approach but if it benefits your children and the future of the country, let us pray that this approach would spread out. Just ask for the K-12FreeHomeschool.org Course Catalog and check out the syllabus applicable to your children. Feel free to inquire from them of any doubts that you might have.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Beauty And Riches
Title: Young and pretty lady wishes to marry a rich guy.
Fantastic reply from a financial person
A young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:
I'm going to be honest of what I'm going to say here. I'm 25 this year. I'm very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I'm greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York. My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married? I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you? Among those I've dated, the richest is $250k annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit. If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden (?), $250k annual income is not enough.
I'm here humbly to ask a few questions:
1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names
and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)
2) Which age group should I target?
3) Why most wives of the riches is only average-looking? I've met a
few girls who doesn't have looks and are not interesting, but they are able
to marry rich guys
4) How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your
girlfriend? (my target now is to get married)
Ms. Pretty
Here's a reply from a Wall Street Financial guy:
Dear Ms. Pretty,
I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out
there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyze your
situation as a professional investor. My annual income is more than $500k,
which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I'm not
wasting time here.
From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you.
The answer is very simple, so let me explain. Put the details aside, what
you're trying to do is an exchange of "beauty" and "money": Person A
provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square. However, there's
a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone
without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to
year, but you can't be prettier year after year. Hence from the viewpoint of
economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset.
It's not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is
your only asset, your value will be much worried 10 years later
By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating
with you is also a "trading position". If the trade value dropped we will
sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term ¡§C same goes
with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in
order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will
be sold or "leased". Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we
would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget
looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make
yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income. This has better
chance than finding a rich fool.
Hope this reply helps. If you are interested in "leasing" services, do
contact me
signed, J.P. Morgan
Game picks
This is where they should check out OddsBreaker.com. In oddsbreaker you can have your football picks or basketball picks and even win a prize for your picks. No, it is not a gambling site so there need not be any worries about gambling. It is about sharing your knowledge and information about your favorite game, and at the same time be entitled for a chance to win something every month. Since most of the sports fans are doing it anyway with their friends, why not sign up and do it online. The network is much larger and you can put your knowledge for better use.
Maid is still hanging.
As mother is still on holiday, I think it is better not to have the maid at the house. Or else I will be alone with the maid...which is not appropriate and I do not want that also. Maybe if the maid stays at my in-law's house for the time being, it could work out well. Anyway, we will take time to consider this option.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Clean the garage
Friday, November 23, 2007
Providing new services
A few weeks ago, I came across a forum where the forum moderators offered to complete certain levels of skills (for Mosiang game) for a certain amount of fee. I find such offer is very creative. There is a need for such service as not all players have the time or patience to complete certain levels of skills.
Yesterday, I offered a similar service to one of my customers. He agreed to pay me RM20 if I could get the real skill for his Wu Long spear skill. So I played his Mosiang character and praise God, I did manage to get the real skill for him. Maybe I will be offering this new service to other customers but with a better pay.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Think safe be safe
2. Put them in a cabinet with a child safety lock.
3. Have child safety caps on all chemicals, medications and cleaning products.
4. Lock all dangerous items and products in a cabinet. Cosmetics (make-up) can be poison too.
5. Keep all dangerous products in the bottle or package they came in, with the labels on.
6. Store all dangerous products away from food and drinks.
7. Keep each family member’s medicines in a separate place, so they don’t get mixed up.
You might want to consider getting home medical equipment like a medical aid box to store all your medicines. Think safe be safe.
Why Hongkong criminals are not scared?
p/s. This picture is not the real portrayal of the Hong Kong policemen. This is the scene from the movie "Internal Affairs".
Rainy days are back
On the cons side, it also means that I can't do much activities outside. The car gets dirty easily. My children won't be able to go out and play, though at times the rain are not able to stop us...hehehe. Another thing that seems to be connected with rain is the internet connection. It seems that the internet connection will frequently be disconnected during rainy days. That could be very irritating.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Teach him swimming
Outdoor boy
Three different eaters
Annabelle is more of the carnivor, loves to eat chicken meat. Clarissa however loves to eat rice only, not so much of meat. Barnabas, on the other hand loves to eat vegetables.
She is a teacher.
When Clarissa was about a year plus, we started to teach her some lessons. Annabelle would also join in. Many times after we finished teaching the lessons, Annabelle would stand up and then try to be the teacher to Clarissa. She would imitate what we have done during the lessons.
Recently, her mother bought for her some make-up kits. Well, it is actually Annabelle who wanted it. She would apply the make-up on her face and then teach Clarissa to do the same. I think when she grows up she can go to cosmetology schools and learn the skills there. Then she can apply whatever she has learned and teach others also. She can even open a salon and enjoy doing what she likes best.
She needs affections
She needs encouragement
Clarissa our "son".
If you are expecting a baby, you should check out Lilaguide.com. There is also a forum where you can learn from other parents. This is especially important as there are many things that we should learn and know to prepare ourselves to be a good parent. Of course if you want to find good baby products, you can also find them at the website. Being a parent could be very difficult but it is sure one of the most rewarding and satisfying role to experience.
She is jealous
Then when I asked her why she is jealous and cry, she said, "I want daddy". Wah...so strong her feelings for her daddy that holding hands in prayer is also not permissible.
She wants me
Monday, November 19, 2007
Security is needed
I checked all the programs in the laptop. He is using one Norton Antivirus program. There are no other security programs beside the antivirus program. He should have use ESET antivirus program. Furthermore, there are other essential programs that every computer should have such as anti-spyware, firewall, and anti-exploits programs. However since there warranty is still applicable, I advised him to send the laptop back to the dealer.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Running Of The Bulls

If you are daring enough do consider joining the Run. Of course you need to be screened before being allowed to participate. While you are there, you can stay in any of the hoteles en españa. There are many cheap hoteles en españa that you can book online. If you are visiting Madrid, you can stay in hoteles en madrid.
ToBi woman or man

Back at home
Alternative option to borrow
Wikipedia wrote about Zopa as, “Zopa is a UK-based company providing an online money exchange, allowing people who have money to lend to provide it directly to people wanting to borrow it without the need to go through banks, a process sometimes referred to as peer-to-peer lending.”
Zopa which stands for Zone of Possible Agreement is a negotiating term identifying the bounds within which agreement can be reached between two parties. The service matches people that want to offer to lend money with people that need to borrow money. There is no need for the borrower to have to go to the bank to borrow money. Zopa is a viable alternative to the traditional way of borrowing from the bank. It is another form of unsecured loan but with fewer bureaucracies.
So, if you do not want to take loan from the bank, consider Zopa.
BMW promises boredom
But do you know that BMW also promises boredom. Yes, that's true. Just look at this advertisement board.
Take notice of the comma after the word "Goodbye".
Reading it in a grammatically correct way would mean that BMW is promising boredom to its buyer. Hmmm...small error but big difference.
Now, I don't want to buy a BMW because it will make my life really boring.
A gift for her

Anyway, when I reached the shop, the girl that I liked was there. She was so surprise when she saw me. When I presented her the bouquet of flowers, she flushed. There are two other girls in the shop and they just smiled at her. It was nice to see her expression when she received the flower. Shy but very happy.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I got cotton candy

Before the big game

Cotton candy
I remember tasting cotton candy when I was small. Wah... so nice and it melts in the mouth. I would take bit by bit and put it into my mouth and let it melt. Of course the sweetness is also another factor that attracted me to it. I love it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Check it online

Needing love

Went in and while still crying she showed me her finger. I was afraid that she might have twisted her finger but thank God it was not the case. Brought her out from the room and applied some ointment on her finger. Immediately she quietened down. She also asked me to pray for her finger. In the room she seems so happy. I guess she wants attention from her parents more than the ointment. Now she is asleep.
Monday, November 12, 2007
What else is my option?
Those who are risk takers should try and minimize their risks as low possible. Yes, there will still be risk involved but the risk could be lowered to a certain extent. This is where PowerOptions comes in handy. It provides the essential data you need to invest with stock options. With this software you and find, compare, analyze, and make money on Stock Option trading. It is an option screener that helps you to make the best decision. It gives investors the technology that identifies the highest return option trades. So if you are into Stock Options trading, do consider PowerOptions.
If you want to go far, go together

You need another person to be there to motivate each other. When you fall down, the other person can help you up and encourage you to continue on. If you know that the ministry would be long and far, do find someone to go together with you. Then you will go further than if you are alone.
If you want to go far, go together.
If want to go fast, go alone

However, there will be times when you need to act alone. If the situations warrant immediate decision you need to act fast. You have to make that decision, alone. Or you have to be the one who spearhead the project. This is the time when you have to be the "lone ranger" making sure things are done according to your plans. You can't depend on others to do the job as that would slows down the momentum. If you want to go fast, go alone.
Finding the right person
The answer would definitely be "NO". The reasons are plentiful. She is not qualified for the position. I would need to find people with the right "expertise" or knowledge to look after the shop and maintain the computers. Even now, I have two workers, one who does not have much knowledge about computers while the other one does. I find that I am less worried about the condition of the computers as I can rely on the staff that have computer knowledge.
You don't simply hire any Tom, Dick and Harry to do your job. You need to find the right person for that job. This is even more true when you need to find people for risk management jobs. You can check out A.E.Feldman Associates, a second-generation executive search and consulting firm. Feldman Associates, Inc. is aware of the needs to find the right person for the job. Their their knowledge, contacts and feel for their respective fields enable them to make the best matches and find the tightest fits for each job. It is worth spending extra money to find the right person for your job as it can lessens your worries and burdens.
Back to work
Get married for fun?
Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman. It is to be honored and taken seriously as the vows said on the wedding day are binding on each other. I guess the media has portrayed marriage as just a licence to be together and that there is not much value in marriage. No wonder our society begins to deteriorate morally. Don't get married for fun. If you do that you will surely suffer when all the fun disappeared.
The Marriage of the Lamb
My advice to those who wants to get married is to find a wedding planner. No, you don't have to find Jennifer Lopez to be The Wedding Planner for you although that might be interesting. Hahaha...the girls would never employ Jennifer Lopez to their wedding planner for fear that the future husband would run away with her. On the other hand, the guys would love to see Jennifer Lopez planning for their wedding.
You can find a wedding planner at WeddingChannel.com. It has a comprehensive wedding-planning site where it combines free, interactive planning tools, expert advice, inspiration photos, a local vendor guide, a patented online registry system, and many other features. The end purpose is to make your wedding as easy and stress-free as possible. It is worth to spend on a wedding planner and have other people take care of the wedding details. Trust me on that.
Drafting the agreement
Calculated risks
For the first 2 years, he will get RM3000. After that, my tenant would have to sell the car or find other guarantors to replace my brother. If my tenant fails to find other guarantor or fails to sell the car, he would have to pay my brother RM3000 every year until the car is fully paid. The car purchase price is only RM21,000.
Well, this is calculated risks. My brother is willing to take the risks for the offer, knowing that in the worst case scenario, he can pay up the total purchase price.
Spare the rod spoils the child
Barnabas is almost 2 years old already. He understands a lot of things though he does not talk much. He learns and starts to imitate other people especially from his sisters. All the while the cane has not been used on him but he realised that being caned is not a good thing. He would be quiet when the sisters are being caned. But he also noticed that he can get away with doing "naughty" things without being caned. So the time has come for him to learn good habits and not to do naughty things. The cane will be his unconscious teacher, directing his thoughts and mind to behave properly.
Make Money Selling Sunglasses!

Need a new radiator

When we told our mechanic about it, we were told to get a new Toyota Radiator. Yes, our car is the old junk Toyota KE30. Upon searching the net for it, we found Radiator.com that sells radiators. They are selling best quality radiators at the lowest possible price. And they provide lifetime warranty. The price is low because they do away with the middleman and sell it directly to the customers. So if you need to change your car radiator like me, check out Radiator.com.
Looks like the total time not playing Mosiang yesterday was 7.5 hours. Of course this is assuming that I don't eat or bath or do other things except playing Mosiang and the three other things I did yesterday. That would mean that the % of hours I spent on Mosiang yesterday while I am awake is only 53%. Hmmm... wonder where she get the answer as 80%.
The Girls are here!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
What else?
New Business delayed
Good shots

I think maybe it is good that my wife learns to take high definition videos. It is not only to capture the precious moments of our children but also that she can make some income from it. If she had some good high definition video clips she can send to HD Stock Video Library. The video clips can be on sale to the public. And the sale is not just a one time outright sale. The video clips can be sold again and again to different customers. She will be paid 50% of the sale revenue which she will received at the end of every month. So instead of just blogging she can also earn extra income from the good shots.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
UK Manchester

Having said all that, those who needs accommodation can check out the Hotels in Manchester. Of course if you are visiting London or Birmingham as part of your holiday tour, you can check out the Hotels in London or the Hotels in Birmingham.
Can I borrow again?
What is a payday loan? A payday loan or otherwise known as a cash advance is a quick and easy way to bridge your cash needs between pay days without a credit check. You can take a small short-term loan that can range from $100 up to $1,500. The good thing about it is that it is completely confidential and secure. There will be No Fax Payday Loans statements that your boss or others might chance upon. So, if you are like my staff, you might want to consider a payday loan.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Where to go tomorrow?
When we reached there, we could not find the horses. So we let the children play with the sand.
“Where can we go for a holiday tomorrow?” my wife asked me.
“I don’t know lah where to go.” I replied her.
“Hah...maybe we can go to Orlando. We can get discount hotel reservations if we book it online.” “Its nice if we are staying in Orlando. There is Disney World and 52 theme parks to visit every time there is a holiday”, she said jokingly.
We went back, still undecided on where to go tomorrow.
Fun Fair or Ache Fair
We went to the Fun Fair at
So we stopped by at a clinic on the way back. The doctor that saw Annabelle gave a few tips on how to stop the stomachache and diarrhea. That night we bought young coconut water for Annabelle to drink.
Do you love to give?

You can search through the various brands or sellers and buy it online on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Various stores like AceHardware.com, Amazon.com, CompUSA, Disney Store, Macys, Kohls, JoAnn Fabrics and many more will be selling their products online through blackfriday.net. You can even be alerted via email when new ads have been posted. Maybe I need to buy the Ionic Pro® Compact Air Purifier from AceHardware.com for my room. Anybody willing to give it to me?
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Are you a risks taker?
One foreign student that you know requested you to be a guarantor for his Hire Purchase transaction. He wants to buy a car but the bank requested a guarantor. He is asking you to be his guarantor. In return of you agreeing to be his guarantor, he is willing to pay to you RM3000.
Additional facts 1:
His hire purchase agreement is for 7 years. At the most he will be in Malaysia is another 5 years. Would you be willing to be his guarantor?
Additional facts 2:
He agreed that you would only be his guarantor for 1 1/2 years afterwhich he is willing to find another guarantor to take your place, or he will sell the car to another person. Would you be willing to be his guarantor?
Are you a risks taker or not?
Second to Die
Yes, you read it correctly. Second To Die life insurance policy. What is it about? Briefly, it is similar to universal insurance but this coverage covers two people instead of just one. The benefit will only be paid out until both individuals on the policy have passed away. I think those who does not trust their spouse would prefer this type of insurance policy. Only the heirs would benefit from this policy. So if you think you would want to know more about this, check out Advantagetermlife.com.
More focus now
Playing for money
Furthermore, not all online games are a waste of time. Most of the games require thinking skills. Games like Backgammon may not be as easy as it looks. Firstly you need to know the Backgammon rules before you can play it well. Of course, you need to constantly use your mind in order to win. That is the difficult part as some of us are not use to exercising our minds. Come to think of it, those who “exercise” their mind constantly seldom get Alzheimer when they get older.
Another advantage of playing online game is that you can actually play Backgammon for money. No, I do no encourage gambling here. It is more of entering a game competition. If you feel that you can win, why not go for it. That is what most of the athletes do in the various tournaments, so why not online gamers do the same.
Sitting away

Where is the table?

As for now, maybe I will get the Modesty Panel table. Yes there is such thing as Modesty panel table. This table is designed in such a way that people who is in front of the table would not be able to see your sexy leg as it is fully covered by another panel. But then again, in my own house, I do not mind seeing my wife's sexy leg. Hehehe... .
Monday, November 05, 2007
I need a laugh
A Chinese walks into a bar in America late one night and he saw Steven Spielberg. As he was a great fan of his movies, he rushes over to him, and asks for his autograph.
Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says, "You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Habour, get outta here."
The astonished Chinese man replied, "It was not the Chinese who bombed your Pearl Harbour, it was the Japanese".
"Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, you're all the same," replied Spielberg.
In return, the Chinese gives Spielberg a slap and says, "You sank the Titanic, my forefathers were on that ship."
Shocked, Spielberg replies, "It was the iceberg that sank the ship, not me."
The Chinese replies, "Iceberg, Spielberg, Carlsberg, you're all the same."
A Good E-Commerce Site
A good e-commerce site would provide a few functions in the websites. Potential customers would want to be able to search for the products in the site itself. Once the product is found, there should be enough information about the product that will help the customer to make a wise decision. There should not be any hidden costs or fine prints that would take the customers by surprise. Once the customers had finished with their shopping cart they should be able to close the deal easily. In other words the process to buy the product must be easy and not cumbersome.

If you are setting up an e-commerce site to sell your products, do consider installing the ecommerce software from Ashop Commerce. Ashop Commerce offers a complete solution for merchants to sell online. Your e-commerce site would be securely hosted with 128 bit SSL checkout security, and full fraud alerts. Of course you would also be entitled to web promotion services, design services and free emails. Do check it out.
Getting rusty
Sunday, November 04, 2007
What you see is what you get!
If you are thinking about going for a holiday in Florida, then you should check out Thinkflorida.co.uk. Catering especially to the UK customer, the website features 15-20 pictures of each units of Private Pool Homes, Condo’s and Town Houses. Check out the Florida Villa for your holiday accommodation. From the website you can see the floor plans, all amenities and the 360 tour of all main area’s, inside and outside, of the property. Thinkflorida ensures their customers that the unit that they choose is the unit that they will get. Now that is very comforting to know as holiday goers would have less unexpected problems to worry about. Then you would not have to experience the hassle that my wife’s friends had to go through.
Motorbikes for my children

Lock your things

When they are here, even the cupboards are not enough. Maybe it would be good if we were to buy the lockers for each one of them. I am thinking about the Metal Lockers that you see in the school. Maybe with that kind of steel lockers it would be enough for everybody to put their things when they are back home. As it is now the house would be full of bags and the clothes would be everywhere inside the house.
She wants to study again
We are looking for a several universities that offers the course, preferably online course. There are a few local universities that offers outcampus courses but few offers online courses. I know that capella university do offer graduate online degree programs in business, information technology, education, human services, public health, public safety, and psychology, and bachelor’s degree programs in business, information technology, and public safety. Once the situations are settled, we will choose the university for her English course.
You in charge
Whether you apply for a home equity loan or home refinance with Modernlend, you can view and compare all the lenders that can offer the loan you are asking for. You will receive from lender the information about their programs. Not all lenders provide the same friendly service. With Modernlend you can also review ratings for each lender created by people like you, who have previously selected the lender on our site.This would help you greatly in choosing the suitable lender for your loan needs.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Easy To Book
Whether you are looking for Hotels in Barcelona or Hotels in Prague you can easily do so with easytobook.com. And it is not only finding hotels in Europe but you can easily books Hotels in Dublin, England or even Hotels in New York, USA. You can even compare the various rates offered by different hotels and find one that suits your budget and choice.
Getting Loyal Customers
In businesses one of the signs of a successful business is there are loyal customers that keep on returning to the shop. Returning customers are indeed valuable because they are happy and satisfied with the products and want more. It is easier to do business with them because they know the quality and value of the products that they are going to get from the shop.
Likewise, if you are doing an online business, you need to build up on loyal customers. Online business is so competitive and challenging that setting a website that sells the products is not enough. You need to have offers, discounts, packages and many more to attract customers. One way it to use webloyalty program. Customers would be offered a discount incentive as to encourage them to return to the site and make a repeat purchase. They would be offered a 30-days free trial of the Shopper Discounts and Rewards membership. During this 30 days free trial, the customers can have access discounts at over 400 online retailers. There are also free insurance benefits available.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
UK Edinburgh
Well, Edinburgh is well-known for the annual Edinburgh Festival. It is a collection of official and independent festivals held annually over about four weeks from early August. The most famous of these events are the Edinburgh Fringe (the largest performing arts festival in the world), the Edinburgh International Festival, the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, and the Edinburgh International Film Festival. Looks like you have missed the Festival but do look forward for it in 2008.

There are many places that would interest you in Edinburgh. One of it is the Edinburgh Castle. Edinburgh Castle is the most famous place in Scotland-a proper castle, with winding stairs, ruined walls, immense ramparts and lots of hiding places for children to enjoy. You can have a superb view of the city all around from the top of the castle. Edinburgh Castle has now really come into its own as a national monument run by Historic Scotland and as the country's most popular tourist attraction. It does become overcrowded in the summer, but remains very good value for money, and a visit here in any weather is unlikely to disappoint.