Thursday, December 31, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Christmas come and Christmas went. Things went on as usual. To me, Christmas is just another day like any other day. In the words of Paul, " treats one day as special while another treats it as just another day...". What makes it special is how we treat it unto the Lord. Saying that, I guess we must treat each day as special. Be thankful to God that you can wake up every morning or evening (depending on when you go to bed)and see the sunlight or clouds.

This year Christmas was a busy one. Went to church in the morning and thereafter had lunch with Bro Daniel and family. And at night we had a Christmas party with Eastern types of food together with Asian desserts. The children would have their food and then watch their favorite show on tv. Wished that there is cable tv available. Maybe when we moved to another place we would be able to have direct cable tv. I know if you are in New York you can subscribe to Direct TV in New York . It was a wonderful time. The children enjoyed it very much especially when they received their presents. I don't remember receiving any presents. Well, that's okay as I too did not give any presents personally. My wife did all the giving. I thought of giving her a present but then due to busyness, nothing done.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this year Christmas celebration. With the Singh's family back and mother around, there were an abundance of food. Really enjoyed the delicacies and mouth watering gourmet prepared by the Singh's family. Till next year, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody.

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