Monday, September 05, 2005

Sick! I'm Sick.

I’m so sick of it. Really really sick of it. I just hate it.

To be grounded in my house, and cannot do anything that I want. Argghhhhhhhhh… I hate it.. I’m sick of it. Stupidos.

Lord, help me. Help me please.

1 comment:

Leishia said...

uhm ur physically sick or sick of being grounded at home?

if physically sick of cos u have to stay home and rest, getting angry will not do u any good mah.

if ur sick of being grounded and not do things that u like, well... guess every wife will understand how u feel. normally they wont have any choices at all but to stay in and take care of their children and husband, like it or not.

at least u get to choose, have a say, and r only grounded for a day or 2 ;)