Thursday, December 29, 2005

Praise God, I got better eyesight!

Praise God. My eyesight is getting better.

Yesterday, at the shopping centre, I went for an eye test. And the result is good. The specs power has reduced to 125 point. Earlier my specs power is 150.

This is good news. Thank God for the eye exercises that I followed about less than a month ago. It works. Now I’m more motivated to follow through the exercises. My aim will be until I no longer need to use specs.

For anyone who is interested to do the eye exercises, I do have the e-book. Let me know if you want a copy of that. It is about 2.5MB so you must have an email address that can accept such big file, and of course a good internet connection.

They say that the eye is the window to the world. Now the world is getting clearer for me. Hehehehe. Thank you Lord.


Leishia said...

I WANT!!!!

DavidBong said...

Already sent to your email.

May 2006 be better and brighter for your vision.

ling1505 said...

i want too.

ling1505 said...

btw. a very belated new year!

DavidBong said...

f.l. - already sent to you. and Blessed New Year to you too.