Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Many children is a blessing

Wifey is pregnant again. This will be our No 6. How do I feel? Don't really know how to describe it. I'm thankful to God for trusting me to handle so many "gifts". I believe that God will provide the means for my wife and I to raise them up. And I also believe that He is able to provide for our needs. He has done that thus far. We are not starving but we are also not able to live a luxurious life.

However, there are times when I'm not so sure that I'm doing okay with taking care of the 5 that He has given me. There are times when I feel so inadequate and hopeless. And I also feel for my wife who has to look after them. So I'm not so sure what it will be like to have 6 children in one house. I can only take each day as it comes, drawing strength from Him to enable me to be who He wants me to be. I pray that I will be a good father who would be successful in raising up godly children.

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