Saturday, August 07, 2004

Cultural Understanding. – Differences in culture.

James F. Downs writes:
I… cringe to think of all the rupees I have wasted because I always
forgot in the early part of a trip to India, that agreement is often
indicated by a short shake of the head to the right that very closely
approximates our own sign of disagreement. When it came to tipping
coolies for some personal service, I was uncomfortable like most
Americans unaccustomed to dealing with persons in menial positions.
Uncertain about exact rates, I would offer what seemed to be a
reasonable amount. The coolie would invariably shake his head in
agreement. I would invariably interpret it as disagreement and press
more money on him. Such and exchange usually left me feeling vaguely
exploited and angry because I suspected I had paid too much. It
probably left the coolie feeling totally baffled by a crazy man who
kept giving him money after he had said he had enough.


Anonymous said...

what u trying to convey? me no understanding...

Anonymous said...

hahaaha, of course u no understanding. Just like the Americano.