Monday, July 04, 2005

How high is your marriage standard?

During the ISLT training, Cassie (one of the trainer) was sharing about marriage and quarrel. He shared his testimony.

"I was married for 4 years at that time. We had a wonderful marriage time. Never had a quarrel. We are proud of it. 4 years of wonderful marriage without any quarrel whatsoever.

We went to a marriage counseling seminar. The counselor asked the participants to meet up with various other counselors regarding any quarrels that they have in their marriage. We tried to think of any quarrels that we might have in our marriage but could not come up with anything. None. No quarrels at all. So we ask the counselor about it. The counselor couldn't believe it. I told him that it's true that we have no quarrels during our 4 years of marriage.

After a while, the counselor made this remarks. "There is only one explanation that I can think of..... That you have a very low standard of your marriage". That statement really hit me hard.

A low standard of marriage. That's why there is no quarrels because it is easy to fulfill the standard and both of us are happy with it. But if the standard is high, there's higher expectations from one another, and that's where quarrels will exist when we failed to meet that high standards.

After that marriage seminar, I and my wife have been quarelling most of the time."

Cassie's testimony touched me strait away. I'm also was proud that my marriage has not many quarrels. Now I know that the standards that I put in my marriage is low.

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