Wednesday, May 23, 2007

TMNet disruption again.

Haiyo.... pening pening. Because my business rely on TMNet for their broadband service, whatever affects them will also affects my business. Two days ago, one of TMNet server broke down. And the whole day there was no internet line for my shop. No internet, no business. It was the lowest sale day for this year. Yes, the lowest sale.... haiyo.... mati lah like this if their server broke down often. So more, when call their service centre, the usual answer was given. Give up hope of expecting good service from TMNet. Considering other alternatives now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about half and half. and not depend only on one internet company. That way if one is down.. at least the half of your other puters.. is still on internet connection...??
just my 2 cents worth.. ;)