Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Please answer my questions

Wifey told me about her friend's experiences with her doctor. Her friend has many questions to ask the doctor about her baby and her health condition. However, when she asked the doctor her questions, the doctor seemed very reluctant to answer her questions. Her friend was quite upset with the doctor's reluctance and attitude. It is not that she did not pay the doctor. In fact, she has paid quite a big sum of money to the doctor for the treatment. It would be reasonable for the doctor to answer all her doubts and questions. That is one of their responsibilities, making sure that their patients are well informed of their health conditions.

I am not sure why the doctor reacted in that manner but one possibilities is that the doctor do not know the answers to many of the questions put forward by wifey's friend. Due to lack of information or meaning lack of knowledge, the doctor would not be able to give a satisfactory answer and this definitely would not look good for him. I'm sure if the doctors make the effort to keep themselves updated with the advances in medicine, they would not have any problems giving satisfactory answers to their patients. If they do have a PDA they can apply for free medical blog widget and be updated with the current medical information. We want doctors who are not only qualified but also well aware of the advances in medicine so that we can have the best options available to us. So doctors, please keep yourself updated all the time and please try to answer all our questions. We can turn to nobody else.

“This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.”

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