Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Clinic, Smoking, Habits...

I don't smoke cigarettes and I can't stand people who smoke. And unfortunately this is the scene that I see everyday.

Beside my shop is a clinic run by Malay doctors. At least one of the doctors smokes. And all of the male staffs (who look after the clinic at night until morning) smoke. And worst of all is that some of the patients that are waiting for the doctor will smoke outside the clinic. Come on lah... already sick and some more want to smoke. Like that don't see the doctor lah... waste money only.

And what I really don't like is that when I open my shop door, the smoke will come in. Some more the wind direction is exactly from the clinic to my shop. Sometimes when I want outside air to come in, the smoke also will come in.... huhhh. What worse is that outside my shop will be littered with cigarette butts. No cleanliness habit at all... bontot lah dia orang ni.

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