Friday, February 23, 2007

I murdered her....

I went back home, tired. Had not enough sleep bcoz a few customers had to finish their work late. The door was closed so I didn't expect her to be in.

As I entered the house, it was dark as all the doors are closed. Feeling thirsty I went to the kitchen to get a drink.

There she was. So happy, so engrossed with the thing she is doing. So passionate was she that she didn't noticed me.

When I saw her, I was so shock. Many things suddenly rushed to my mind.
Even as I approached her, she was still unaware of my presence, being in the world of her own, touching and licking the object of her passion.

As I looked at her, a gush of hatred rushed through my mind and heart. I wanted to smash her with a stick. But I couldn't think of any stick nearby. And I also don't want her to realize my presence.

Then with all my might I raised up my right leg and stomp her. It hit her hard. So hard that her intestine burst. Not a sound was heard from her. She died on the spot.

Her blood flowed out, dirtied the floor. As I raised up my leg, I was suddenly filled with regret and compassion. I didn't meant to stomp her that hard.

I have killed her. Quickly I went to the living hall to look for tissue paper to wipe the floor. Couldn't find one, so I took a new roll of toilet paper.

With the toilet paper I wipe the blood on the floor. Cleaning her intestine is a bit messy, but I couldn't leave any evidence behind.

Then I picked her up..... and throw her outside.

Kesian the poor mice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehhehe!! good one..!!