Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Come and go.

A new worker came to work yesterday. He was one of my first customers way back in October last year. He will be here for a month before his sister take over the job. Briefed him on his job responsibilities yesterday. So far so good. Not a computer geek guy so taking things a bit longer to teach him. To me that's not a problem. As long as he wants to learn and willing to be taught, then things will be OK. And most important of all, he must be honest.

Told him that if ever I caught him cheating in any way or being dishonest in any dealings, then ... . Also told him that I won't "halalkan" (sanctify) any money taken in dishonesty from the shop. He would have to face God in judgement day for any money taken or stolen from the shop.

Well, yesterday has been a hectic day for him and also for me. May God continue to bless this business.

Oh ya, I was told that the next door restaurant worker also has stop working. The same day as Bibi. I wonder why they all likes to simply stop working. Anyway, hoping that this current worker and the coming worker will work long or more permanent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


u got tag from me.

yeah nowadays.. they ppl dont work long with another... always quit and find other job.