Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Modern bedroom

Confession time. Ask yourself, where is the most untidy place in your house? I guess and I know most of the time my guess is correct that the most untidy place in your house would be your bedroom. More so if you have children sleeping in your room. A sleeping place and also a playing area for your children will definitely make your room untidy most of the time. I know because that is what my bedroom has become. Yes, my wife and I do our best to keep it tidy but it will be untidy again the next day. Sometimes we just let it be untidy for awhile before we do our mini “spring cleaning”. Hahaha….easier to do that way. Sometimes I wish that I would have a bigger spacious room.

I found a modern bedroom setting and furniture that I like. The colors are light, similar to peach in color. And the setting of the bed and other furniture makes it warm and cozy. The furniture is arranged in such a way that makes the room look spacious. It is also very practical in that there are no unnecessary cupboards or shelves that will take up space and collect dust.

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