Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A walk in the past

I once bought a garden light to be placed at my house big compound. It is a solar garden light, looks nice and it saves me from paying more higher electricity bill. The only thing that didn't cross my mind is that my house compound is way too big for one solar garden light. It needs at least a dozen or more to really light up my compound.

One day, if it is God's will, I will live and light up my compound with the above outdoor post mount lights. There are other designs that are equally attractive depending on the atmosphere that is intended. Check out ShopPremier other interesting and attractive light fixtures. One thing for sure, with these lights in your house and compound, your place would never be the same. I want my compound to be transformed to beautiful and nicely romaticaally lighted so that I can just walk around the compound with my beautiful wife and just spend quality time together. Its just like walking in the past.

So, my wifey, what do you think?

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