Sunday, September 02, 2007

Do I need Colloidal Silver?

I mentioned in my previous post that my body currently feel very week. Started coughing a little bit. I have not been having enough rest lately because I was pursing getting the 2nd Real Skill for my character in MoSiang. That has taken a toll to my health and it affects my immune system. Besides Essential and Profavanol, I wonder whether colloidial silver will help increase my immune system.

From what I understand from the website, colloidal silver works on behalf of the body’s immune system, eliminating unhealthy cells and eradicating microorganisms before they develop into illness or disease. This sounds great. It is like nature's antibiotic to the body. No wonder our ancestor invested so much using silverware to keep their food and drinks fresh from invasion of the bacteria. I can’t afford to buy silverware because silver is way too expensive compare to those days. The cheapest would be drinking silver. :)

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