Thursday, December 27, 2007

Watch super bowl game

I have not been playing football for more than three Sundays now. And I really feel that I am out of shape due to lack of exercises. Since I can only go for one game a week, it is quite frustrating when I have to miss the game. I have to think of some other activities around the house to compensate for the lack of exercises. However, this is not easy as most of the time, the weather does not permits me to be outside the house. It has been raining almost everyday for the past two weeks.

And when it is raining, there is nothing much that can be done except to stay in the house and watch sports games on the television. I was thinking of buying the super bowl tickets and invite my friends to have a gala time at the stadium. Well, I might have to ask my wife first since she has indicated that she too wants to go to the stadium and feel for herself the vibrant energy that flows out from the crowds. Will consider her request but at the meantime I must make sure I go for the football game this Sunday.

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