Thursday, July 19, 2007

Pain relief

If you play any outdoor sports you would have experience pain. I play soccer and many times due to harsh play by other players or even because of my own carelessness I would suffer an injury. Or when I failed to have enough warming up exercises before a game, I would suffer cramp on the calves and thigh. Times like that I wish that I brought my pain relief cream with me.

Talking about pain relief cream and if you are looking for one, check out Nurofen Plus. You can use Nurofen Plus for powerful temporary relief of strong pain and/or inflammation associated with:

- Headache
- Tension Headache
- Migraine Headache
- Period Pain
- Dental Pain
- Back and Neck Pain
- Neuralgia
- Rheumatic and Arthritic Pain
- Muscular Pain and Sports Pain

Nurofen Plus works in dual action. It active ingredients, the ibuprofen and codeine provides powerful relief needed when you suffer any of the above. The ibuprofen targets the site of pain locally, and also reduces inflammation and fever. The codeine works centrally to reduce the brain's perception of pain.

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